Search results for query: *

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    A Paint App Port Request

    I was looking for you, teppic. I had wondered what had become of that project. I do hope you can get a version running for pandora someday though. Thanks for the link to alchemy, casper. I've been using it now and I really like it since it's a lot like sketchbook pro, but with vector drawing...
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    A Paint App Port Request

    Gimp may actually have pressure sensitivity straight out the box. not sure. Problem is, I really don't like to draw on gimp, I feel the interface gets in my way more than I'd like, and I never have need for any other features than the pen. PP has all of the features I like in one program and...
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    A Paint App Port Request

    I use the app based off of this one on my iTouch and when I found out it was an open source program I thought I'd drop you all a line for it. the files can be found here: If anybody picks up this project THANK...
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    Colors! Report. Looking For Teppic

    There was alot of debate previously about the Colors! DS homebrew program prted to our panda, and a programmer named teppic was seemingly able to get the source code for it from jens, the creator. that was a yer ago and now I'm looking for any updates on the situation. (yes, my google-fu has...
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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    I'll get these on concept. Scans up in late pm. What's a good site to put them on the upload?
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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    I'll turn my concepts into an assault rifle and an RPG
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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    expect to hear from me soon. I'm working on character designs for another game by now but I'll throw some random things together for you, landscapes and characters. I have your number. BTW I'll see how far I get with steampunk. I just got a good idea for your melee gun.
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    Sorry bout that. epic fail. I'm trying a new approach, but need a good upload spot to link to. have one?
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    definite yes on my character up on saturday. my job kills the rest of my life.
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    I may be up all night with nothing to do but these sketches. I'll get the character design I like the most down in a few sheets and then I'll scan it and do my GIMP touch-ups and post it in the morning.
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    there are no cool printers at my access so I'm going to start using a smaller notebook. you may be able to see something soon.
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    Have one version af a character design done. I need to find a scanner to put it up.
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    have some roughs done. nothing final, but am getting some good character designs.
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    Release Polished Pictures [render] [blog Update]

    I came oh shi...did I say that out loud?
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    Need Graphics Artists - Chasing The Blue Sky

    I'll see if I can get anything done for you.
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    I actually keep daydreaming about this. And MMORTS that stands out because it is not bot driven, it's basically war. like...SWBattlefronts. a player has a consistent profile and a team affiliation, but is able to move up in rank. different ranks have different jobs, even up to commanders. It's...
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    Release Games We'd like to See on Pandora

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    Pandora Social Site

    Thanks for the icebreaker. Update: After shuffling around my life and friends with know-how I've thought that It would be better to wait until : a)we actually have pandoras and programs that need developing. b)a good chunk of people and time c)pandora users fed up with the archive and however...