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  1. streak

    Beta Cli Love

    New release - [Final 1] on [FB Wall]
  2. streak

    This Is Just Sad.

    Yeah, You,re right. I just dont see a way in collaboration since i want to DB EX stay in the way it is, like: fullscreen-stretched // GUI Driven // pandora controls A/B/X/Y Ready // No-Configuration-Options [means -> configuration is optimized for average joe running average 286/386-era game ]...
  3. streak

    Beta Cli Love

    yes it is -> "helpme" command helpme zipone -> gives info about zipone app/script..
  4. streak

    Beta Cli Love

    Who wants to help me out with CLI Love BETA2 tests [checking apps / finding whats not working properly ]?. As a "thank You" for testing CLI Love i'll give new QupZilla PND [excellent webbrowser for OP (wasnt released previously)] and DosBox EX v2.0 (wasnt released previously) to CLI Love...
  5. streak

    Beta Dosbox Ex - *beta*

    in new version of DB EX you can use NET Play Video how it works:
  6. streak

    Beta Dosbox Ex - *beta*

    nope, because i removed some lines of code from dosbox in dosbox dx , to speed up things slightly and my version is from this year's SVN [so some bugs are fixed comparing to Pickle's DBox ]
  7. streak

    Beta New Qt Apps For Pandora

    Proper screenshot of BSC :)
  8. streak

    Beta Dosbox Ex - *beta*

    Thats why i created DosBox EX -> to help newbies to go into dosbox gaming. Many of youngsters dont know how to "walk with oldie DOS". Everyone else // hardcore DOS'ers should use older DOSBOX instance if DosBox EX is to stiff [in configuration] for them [compiled by Pickle]. BTW. DosBox EX 2.0...
  9. streak

    Beta Cli Love

    Yes, of course: Mainly because i dont want to get any comments, like "hey, man it writes to NAND. wtf?" because im not working with NAND OS anymore on my OP. Im using SD OS [modded angstrom with LXDE onboard]. I will not extensive test apps because i currently have no time to do it. If anyone...
  10. streak

    Beta Cli Love

    Whats this: StreaK's CLI Love [beta1] Info: A really BIG pack of awesome CLI apps that replaces all GUI apps created for OP, and saves your space, memory usage and cpu cycles :) . In general CLI Love has everything to start and just using your openpandora in productive way: How its working...
  11. streak

    The Best F100 Homebrews?

  12. streak

    Bad News

    This was expected. BAD marketing + BAD design [analog nub instead of analog d-pad] + BAD contact from GPH side + BAD ideas [lack of compatibilty between WIZ and CAANOO. wrong PR ] and many more. GPH was always architect of its doom.. I really liked GPH back in GP2X days.. but it was in 2007, so...
  13. streak

    Beta Tinyfugue - A Mud Client

    skeezix .. And Your idea is very good problem-solver. about my quickports: Sometimes i dont care about to use ENTER instead of [Pandora's] START key in my ports. I still think that if theres no STANDARDS for OpenPandora [for example -> from my side i miss the proper "BACK". If we have SELECT...
  14. streak

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    thx Sebo
  15. streak

    Beta Tinyfugue - A Mud Client

    This is the only reason for me to remove apps from repo. If You thinking this way that this is my real statement, and not a quote told for fun on IRC some time ago-*. If one person thinking in this way, then there might be others, and i dont want anyone to think it's true. And other thing: Im...
  16. streak

    Beta Tinyfugue - A Mud Client

    I decided to remove my compiled/ported apps from repo. Because some of them are in beta shape, i decided to publish 'em only on my HomePage [in the making] / FB Page. They'll not be re-loaded into repo again.
  17. streak

    Beta Audacious Winamp Classic Skin

    Thanks dgame :)
  18. streak

    Beta Tinyfugue - A Mud Client

    You know Dunny, you dont need to play/use any of my compilations. Im doing stuff to fit my needs firstly, and if any of You think i "should" do it, better, hmm i can pass the code to You, to modify it by yourself. Its easy.
  19. streak

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Could You provide save states after the freezing scene?
  20. streak

    Beta Tinyfugue - A Mud Client

    Damn.. im stoned. I have no freakin idea why it just dont work on other OP's. I double checked and both works good. Only once TF didnt work for me, when i was forced to format my sd card. After that TF works again. Maybe any of You could test it on freshly formatted SD card [if it's not the...