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  1. R

    Fleshchasmer I: The Eve V1.2

    Quasist, this might be an early project for you but I must say it's very impressive. It's fully 3D and plays reasonably well even. For your next project I'd just suggest that you use an existing 3D engine (Consider Yeti3D, it's EXTREMELY efficient and runs smoothly even underclocked, as well...
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    Someone Do Something With The Yeti3d Engine, For Goodness Sake!

    I was unaware that I had to be a programmer in order to suggest things.
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    GP2X Rise Of The Triad For Gp2x

    I know. However, the GP2X screen is 320*240. I think it ought to use the full screen. when you turn off the above/below status bars, the size of the view area is such that if those status bars existed in the unused screen space the game would be using 100% of available pixels. Is there any way...
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    GP2X Rise Of The Triad For Gp2x

    The game also still runs in 320*200 letterboxed mode. I hope by the next version it runs in fullscreen?
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    Someone Do Something With The Yeti3d Engine, For Goodness Sake!

    The port of the Yeti3D engine to GP2X has been around for ages and yet I haven't seen anyone make a real game with it. Instead I see release after release of basic, Atari-ish arcade type games with simple 2D graphics and zero depth. Not that I don't appreciate the effort, but why keep...
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    Developer Bored: Pitch Me Game Idea Something like that except close up, using isometric 2D. You can buy guns at stores, hole up in certain buildings, and the goal is to survive as long as possible. Also make it 28 days later style zombies, just to be different.
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    Rott Gp2x V0.2 (rise Of The Triad)

    Is it still in 320*200, or is it in 320*240 now?
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    Icuiti Dv920 Digital Video Eyewear And The Gp2x

    I also own the DV920. It is decent, but there is something better for the same price: The Z800 3D Visor. It has higher res (800*600) better quality displays, wider field of vision (45 degrees compared to the 26 degrees you get with the DV920) and it has built in headtracking...
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    Rapidracoon Progress

    A baked-in lightmap (ala Payback) would really make those tracks "pop".
  10. R

    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    Works now. Forgive me for not paying close attention to replies when many of them are condescending and hurtful.
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    Drill2x *final*

    Wow, top quality. It needs music support but the graphics and gameplay are lovely.
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    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    Done, but I still have the problem illustrated in the pics I posted: I can't copy the GPU940 folder into the Egoboo2X folder because there is a file with the same name as that folder already in there. How do I resolve this?
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    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    What do I change and where? I see the text "gpu940", but it has some stuff after it and I don't know how much of it to replace. I also see something that says clockspeed = 266, is that what I alter?
  14. R

    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    I tried adding the files to the game folder on my harddrive and it gave me the same error. I tried changing the CPU speed with the utility included in the game folder, but the game still won't run.
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    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x the top, the game never starts. I tried deleting the file that conflicted with the folder. Game wouldn't run. I tried extracting the *content* of the folder to the main game directory so the folder name wouldn't conflict. Game wouldn't run. I tried just combining the two files in...
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    New Gpu940, New Egoboo2x

    Why release it in pieces? It'd be more helpful to pack it all up in a game folder so we could just wing that on our SDs.
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    Apex Design Interview

    I really, really hope he reuses the engine for a first/third person shooter, racing game or RTS. The GP2X needs more games with graphics engines of that quality.
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    Vexed 1.0 For Gp2x

    The title screen is so impressive looking, but the game itself lacks visual appeal.
  19. R

    The Next Gp*x Revision

    640*480 screen, 500+ Mhz CPU, and a capable 3D accelerator of some kind. Oh, and keep it under $300. That's all I ask.