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  1. Z

    Where To Buy Gp2x In Hong Kong? Mong Kok?

    No. But it won't ever. PSP and DS are flooding in Hong Kong, selling a machine which is known by no more than 10 people in HK only make losses, so don't dream about it. [Just face the reality... we are only the few who took the red pill.] So the only way you can get GP2X now is from...
  2. Z

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    I am leaning towards i.MX31 too now. When it comes to openness, documentation, Linux support, ease of availability and price, i.MX31 seems to be a better choice. I don't know, but for such high performance SoC, I doubt if it's available for electronic geeks in small quantity. Of course, when...
  3. Z

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    If you need the head count, I'm also towards OMAP3430. I've no knowledge on the ARM world, but from what I got on hand OMAP3430 can keep the people's mouth shut for years to come - until there's even newer handheld console come out. And if the machine is powerful enough, it is not impossible...
  4. Z

    Our New Machine, Pandora

    So you guys are going to make a brand new gaming handheld (which is built by community input)? Nice to hear that, and looking forward to seeing this jewel comes out. But looks like many things are not decided yet, it is still possible to roll out by the end of this year?
  5. Z

    New Gp2x F-200

    Agreed. It IS expensive, and just not worthwhile. BTW, Pico-ITX is the size about a poker. Mobile-ITX is about the size of a business card. VIA rolled their prototype just a few months ago. Read this: Actually there are a few videos from VIA...
  6. Z

    New Gp2x F-200

    The problem is, except those nanobooks or OQOs, what company will ever think of producing a machine like this? Even if VIA's Mobile-ITX becomes a reality, this would be mostly for mobile phones or PDA-size PC, not a dedicated gaming machine as we're looking for - though it could give us the...
  7. Z

    New Gp2x F-200

    Damn... too late and I bought a PSP... [/me ran for life] But it's really sexy! And this is really the machine where emulators should run on. So that I won't have to make a miniature PC like the guys at do. ;) But seems I'll have to wait until playasia start selling it actually...
  8. Z

    Gp2x-msx: Msx Emulator For Gp2x V1.0.3

    Don't know if it's appropriate, but is it possible to add save state support to it? :o
  9. Z

    Gph Is Working On A New Handheld (codename: Gpx3)

    I just thought gph is picking up where someone else left off to make a gaming handheld featuring A** CPUs and A?? graphic chips :P [Ah, that's sounds familiar...]
  10. Z

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    So that I can play vulkanon and Herg's Solitaire :blink: no matter the SD card is on the GP2X or DS :D Good work!
  11. Z

    Fake Lik-sang Refund????

    I also got one. Wondered why, especially I checked my a/c @Lik-sang just a few weeks ago that I have zero store credit with them when I was looking for the replacement joycaps. Then I saw this when I got back to office later. Haha. Lucky...
  12. Z Closes Down

    There are far too many ways to get a 1.5 PSP other than if you need to. In Hong Kong you can find one easily - they are even flooding the second hand shops and some have even to be re-exported to SE Asia. (IIRC when I read the magazines here) Oh, of course, that's up to you on how...
  13. Z

    New Firmware For Mid October?

    Talking about the e-book reader, I just hope they/somebody will work back on the PDF reader...
  14. Z

    Ok... What Happened?

    Faintly remember once on before even the first batch of GP2X came out, I've also read somebody wrote on the guestbook with the same claim. And he said the device is supposed to use an AMD... Not sure if my memory is correct, but I do believe I've seen such claim...
  15. Z

    Tommy's Joystick Mod

    Should be enough for us until the real dpad comes... :D Well done!
  16. Z


    Some techno loops at the background can make it even more addictive :lol:
  17. Z

    8 Hours Of Battery Life - So Stop Complaining :p

    I charged them overnight too, but only about 7 hrs. Thanks for the tip anyway. I think I may want to try other chargers too... ;) edit: syntax
  18. Z

    8 Hours Of Battery Life - So Stop Complaining :p

    To make me more dummy... does the battery life of the rechargeables also be affected by the charger itself? I have a pack of Sanyo 2700 too, but I could only get 45 min of xvid video@300bps, fw 2.0; and about 1 hr of hu6280 at 200MHz. But I'm charging with a GP charger found at home. What kind...
  19. Z

    Telnet Help...

    Are you using this driver?,0,0,0,15,1473 Try remove the device explicitly using device manager and reinstall again. Oh, btw, is your XP SP2? Don't know, but I wonder SP2 detects the USB networking better?