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  1. S

    Ansmann Photocam Mobil Charger

    I use that very charger and the batteries that came with it, Squidge. I have not had any problems, and after a few uses in my GP2X the supplied batteries tend to last for about five or six hours at a time now at the stock 200MHz speed. (I admit that I have not sat down with a stopwatch and timed...
  2. S

    Forgive Me For What I Hath Done

    You have good taste in games. All of those that you have named are definitely worth picking up. Personally, I would recommend any of the Mega Man Zero games from 2 to 4, and Golden Sun: The Lost Age (the second Golden Sun title), if you can find them. Wario Ware: Minigame Mania is a must-have...
  3. S

    Smsplus2x V0.5 Released

    I would imagine that the game is full screen on yours but not on Paradox's, because you are playing the Master System version and he the Game Gear one. ;)
  4. S

    I Just Got Davec's Cap, Review Inside =>

    If it is of any help, the Ansmann PhotoCam Mobil travel charger can charge four 2400mAh Ansmann Photo batteries (which come supplied with it) at once in about two hours. I would advise avoiding "quick" chargers, though, as they do seem to make such batteries have a rather shorter useful lifespan.
  5. S

    Most Playable Games On Squidgesnes?

    Another game that is very playable is BS Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman (a game related to the title "ShockMan" for the TurboGrafx-16). It runs at roughly full-speed with no overclocking required, with SquidgeSNES's default settings.l
  6. S

    I Vote Puck2099 For Guru!

    The news of OpenJazz has been a big surprise for me today (thank you very much for that, Puck :)), so I will also throw in a vote for Puck2099 being made a Guru.
  7. S

    Gp2psx V0.31

    I have just tested and added some reports for games that were not listed before. :)
  8. S

    Hello, Thank You And Help Please

    If memory serves, was there not an issue with some GP2Xes running the earliest firmware versions, whereby some units kept treating all SD Cards as read-only?
  9. S

    Which Is Best?

    For Commodore 64 games VICE seems to be more accurate than Frodo, in my opinion, although there are games that run better in one than in the other - it is best to have both at the moment and see which fares best with the games that you wish to run. With regard to SNES games, SquidgeSNES is...
  10. S

    Most Playable Games On Squidgesnes?

    I have found Super Mario All-Stars to be very playable, personally. Other games that I have found run well enough to be playable are Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2, Mega Man 7, and Rockman & Forte. All of the above titles are prone to both slowdown and running too fast in places...
  11. S

    Would You Actually Buy A Commercial Game For Gp2x?

    To be succinct: If it is a good game, yes. I am not the sort to demand that such a thing be, "Better than X Game on Emulator Y", in order for me to purchase it - I know that is not how progress gets made. :P
  12. S

    For Anyone Who Cares...

    I am not quite so sure - all items that use transparency in those games are rendered as solid in SquidgeSNES, but the word balloons simply do not display at all. If it were to do with the transparencies, logically they would be displaying but without the fading in and out as they do.
  13. S

    For Anyone Who Cares...

    Thank you for this excellent update, Squidge. Just so you know, it actually seems to fix several more problems than just the chopped up sprites issue - it both fixes graphical errors such as garbled sprites that affected several games (such as Donkey Kong Country 2) before and noticeably speeds...
  14. S

    Wma Files?

    Except MP3 is a patented, proprietary format, and AAC (which Apple uses in some cases) is an open standard... ;) Oops.
  15. S

    Squidgesnes 0.34

    If they are zipped, unzip them. ;)
  16. S

    Newb's Guide To Gp2x Accessories

    The SD Card prices at Amazon UK tend to be very good value - you can get a Viking Interworks 1GB SD Card and a Belkin 15-in-1 USB 2.0 card reader for £33.99 and £12.99 respectively. Usually, postage on orders of over £15 is free. Tantronics sells Ansmann batteries and chargers at good prices -...
  17. S

    Season Dvd's To Individual Episodes?

    As far as I know, the resolution to this problem is simply to change two of the dropdown menus: "Encoder" (located in the "Video" boxout on the left) should be set to "XviD", and "File format" (located in the "Destination" boxout in the upper right corner) needs to be changed to "AVI". ;)
  18. S

    Season Dvd's To Individual Episodes?

    HandBrake is the best option for the task you describe. (When it comes to Mac OS X, at least.)
  19. S

    Commercial Game Prices

    If it is of any help, here are the prices from Craig's poll, converted to USD at the current approximate rate of exchange at the time of writing; £9.99 (Download), £14.99 (Boxed) = $17.55, $26.34 £14.99 (Download), £19.99 (Boxed) = $26.34, $35.13 £19.99 (Download), £24.99 (Boxed) = $35.13...
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    Saving That Backlight

    I believe that wyefye is stating that the LCD's backlight is composed of LEDs. ;)