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  1. R

    Does anyone have a copy of the ADIC2003 games?

    Oh cool, thanks, that is some of them! But AD025 from ADIC2003 (which was my 2nd attempt at making a liero clone, completely different from LieroGP) does not look like it's there. So I'm still looking for that!
  2. R

    Does anyone have a copy of the ADIC2003 games?

    Long ago, I wrote some GP32 games. Since then, I've lost all the source code and binaries. I'd really like to get the binaries back so that I can see the games that I wrote again. I'm particularly interested in game AD025 from the ADIC2003 competition (see...
  3. R

    Fucking Grub Boot Loader For Linux

    Easiest way is to leave XP and LILO/GRUB on different hard drives, then switch them in BIOS. You could even use a small HD (I think) for LILO/GRUB, and have it boot off a GNU/Linux partion on your big HD... I could never get GRUB to work at all, or LILO to boot Windows.
  4. R

    What Kind Of Os Do You Have On Your Computer?

    Gentoo GNU/Linux and Windozer XP. I voted Linux, since it's 95%-5% GNU/Linux-Windows. Only reason I still have windows is for some stupid school software that doesn't work on GNU/Linux.
  5. R

    Abuse Of Moderator Power Poll

    Moderater abuse!!! I voted 1000 times for no :P
  6. R

    Swf To Avi Converting

    Play it and use a screen recorder to record it. But I dunno how well screen recorders work, it might be too jerky.
  7. R

    Wargame Maker

    I couldn't make a "Wargame", but I could and would play them ;)
  8. R


    Yes, it does overclock your GP32, too. If it only showed you if you could go that high, then what would be the point of having the setting in the emulator? ;) And you aren't allowed to ask for commercial ROMs, but PD ROMS are ok :)
  9. R

    New Project

    Ohhh Use a neural net :) I've tried making something like this a while ago, but I never got past typing in: int main(void * args) { } ;)
  10. R

    How To Gently Open My Gp32 Flu To...

    You broke your joystick? Thats what happened to me :). Or are you just doing that fix to make it more responsive? (I think thats what broke mine).
  11. R

    List Ur Pc/s Specs

    PC AMD Athlon XP 2500+ (1.86GhZ) ASUS A7N8X Mobo 512MB PC3200 RAM (cheap stuff that won't really get to 200MhZ, crashes when I try to put the FSB anything over 186MhZ) 80GB HD + 80GB Backup + 40GB Windows HD Gentoo Linux Laptop Pentium 233 MMX 32MB RAM 2GB HD 800x600 screen WIn 98SE
  12. R

    Gmail Invites.

    How scary :unsure: I was innocently looking at my e-mail and I noticed that I had 6 invites :). First 6 ppls to PM me get them!
  13. R

    Web Browsers

    Firefox on Gentoo Linux :)
  14. R

    Best Bios Flash Ever (i Think)!!

    You are all cr8zzy!!!11oneone!11 I flashed my GP32 to the same BIOS my computer mobo uses, and nailed a Athlon XP 2500+ to the GP32's mobo, and it is as good as my normal computer!oneoneone111!! Computer BIOS p0wnzzzzz!!!!oneoneone111 Or mabye all that is a conspiracy and I really use MultiFW...
  15. R

    Windows 98se

    I use 98SE on my old laptop :) But my other computer is 80% linux. I use it for my main OS, but when I want to use flash (once every one or two weeks), I boot into windozer for a while. Hope that Macromedia releases a linux version soon, so I can be 100% linux.
  16. R

    Killer App

    I will post the first reasanable (spelled wrong, too!!!) post in this topic: Killer apps: OSnes9xGP 0.3 GPFinalWar
  17. R

    Auto Run Apps On Start

    With the official firmware (European or Original), no. But if you flash an alternate firmware (guide at, you can either auto-launch anything (slower than just starting normaly, since it has to load from SMC), or get wind-ups as part of the firmware (most alternate fws have...
  18. R

    Uh Oh, Nooooooooooooooooo!

    IMappy is probably a problem with how you set it up, not the FW (files in the wrong place or something). If you want to go back to your original FW, you need to flash it again with whatever firmware was on it originally. If you simply take it off, your GP32 won't have any FW, and it won't work ;)
  19. R

    Pyrocad Beta 1

    Is is 3D? I'm too lazy to dl it :P I made a cad program in 3D (for GP32) a while ago. But it's code is so messy (like everything else I make) that I'll never get it into a releasable state ;)
  20. R

    Craigix Interview

    Me! I make stupid games that don't work!!!!111!!oneone!1 And I'm the youngest one who makes games, too