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  1. Esslan

    Shipping time to Sweden?

    Has anyone from Sweden received their Pandora via Airmail, and if so how long did it take? I have some experience of ordering from UK(Amazon) and those times has always taken over well over 1½ week for the items to show up from the time they were sent. I don't think I'll be able to keep my...
  2. Esslan

    Razer Switchblade

    Yeah I know, but I meant for playing quake 3 and the likes while using it as an handheld not as an computer sitting on a desk. Also I am not trying to put down this machine as crap(Seems rather neat as I was saying). I was just wondering if I somehow missed how you are supposed to be able to...
  3. Esslan

    Razer Switchblade

    Hmm, in the video they say you are able to use it as an handheld. Are you supposed to use the touch screen as a replacement for the mouse then? If so...that's horrible! But I must say it looks rather slick and as they seem to have an certain focus on WoW for this thing it should be possible to...
  4. Esslan

    One Vid Per Day - Discussion

    The last two videos(multitasking & Sega) made the waiting so much harder. I've been kinda out of the loop for a few months now, I had no idea that it could do 32x that well! I dont know if I should thank you or be mad at you ED, I have finally been able to focus on other things than the Pandora...
  5. Esslan

    Best SNES games

    Blackthorne / Blackhawk Action platformer by Blizzard You play as a badass wielding a shotgun blasting away at orcs strapping machineguns, what more do you need to know ;) Its very similar to flashback in terms of the platforming and the shooting. The reason I love it is probably...
  6. Esslan

    Best NES Games

    Yeah Darkwing Duck is awesome. One of my favourites is Blue Shadow / Shadow of the Ninja. EDIT: :D missed two pages of the thread. The game still rocks though so it deserves to be mentioned at least twice :) .
  7. Esslan

    Post Your Dosbox Successes Here

    Well, Tomb Raider might be possible on the psx emulator eventually.
  8. Esslan

    Anyone Get There Tracking/shipping Email Yet?

    Not everyone who get their confirmation email will post on the forums. Still, I agree that the number seem a little low. This thing with the queue being a bit bonkers is actually making me want to glance at my email inbox more often. I'm in the 750 - 850 range so I had no hope for a pandora yet...
  9. Esslan

    Offical Congrats To Op Team Thread

    Guess I have to turn of lurk mode for the time being. Congrats! That goes to all the people involved in the making of this, both the OP team and all of the developers who have worked hard on the OS, drivers and software. You are on the homestretch now and can soon expect to receive all the fame...
  10. Esslan

    Launch-Ready Emulators

    Are you demanding emulators from Open Pandora? They arent the ones making the emulators you know. Fair? to bad you think its unfair that they arent done, but just because you want them to be done now doesnt mean the devs can snap their fingers and make them done. I'm sure the they will release...
  11. Esslan

    Pandora Delivery

    Is this the same place as in the CBHD Video Craig made some time ago? I recognise the TV.
  12. Esslan

    We Have Cases Folks

    Why people bother to make this kind of comments is beyond me. As for the video: Great, but there is just to much information to take in. Soo many boxes! whats in the boxes? Is that a glass of scotch on the boxes? Is that long table the "assembly line" thing? etc etc... Answers! I need answers...
  13. Esslan

    Your Place In The Preorder Line?

    I got my confirmation mail at 21.05 on September 30 (UTC+2) and I am between 750 - 850 (in Craig's list I presume) according to Jacquelyn.
  14. Esslan

    I Am Not Canceling

    Never had a thought about cancelling. Never will. I'm one of those guys that waited for DNF since it was announced, so this puny wait of a few months doesn't bother me much. But it is getting harder to wait though now that more and more info/videos/pics of things in boxes are showing up and devs...
  15. Esslan

    Official Blog- Keep It Going

    It always make me happy to hear that you are taking your time to get it right instead of rushing through it just to please the too eager ones on this board. It cant even imagine what I would do if I got a pandora that was D.O.A or seriously crippled. It would probably involve a hospital visit...
  16. Esslan


    I guess some one will port android to the n900 eventually(maybe already begun? to lazy to check). You wont ever get mameo on the hero. +1 to n900 I guess.....maybe
  17. Esslan

    Eds Status On The Pandora Os - Disheartening

    I count the linuxers to the first group :) The most important thing now is get this thing rolling so it someday can be sold to the psp kidz(just be sure not to give them the link to this forum, I just want OP to earn some money not make us suffer through their Modern Warefare 2 and Xbox360...
  18. Esslan

    Eds Status On The Pandora Os - Disheartening

    As more and more of these kind of threads pop up, two things becomes clear to me: 1) The forum is split in two groups Those who see the pandora project as just that: a community project. Mostly people that already was on the forum before the start of the project and owned a gp32 and/or a gp2x...
  19. Esslan

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    This may be a stupid question as I don't much know about the process, but how can this be? Aren't they using the same mould. How can it become worse unless they somehow made a mistake and shaved off to much while trying to fix it? Edit: Also, +1 for a photo of a full assembled pandora.
  20. Esslan

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    Hmm. I must say I don't like the look of the backside(with the connectors and whatnot) at all. Tried to compare it to my gp2x and wizz and both of them look better imho. Could just be that the detail on the photo makes it look worse than it really is. The photos that ED made of his 2nd rev case...