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  1. B

    Release Battery Cover Revealed

    This is legal stuf. It hates originality. If you don't have to put a symbol then don't put it (you can have problem with it for no reason). If you have to put a symbol, there is a standard symbol. I don't see why you want to put fancy thing to a label that noone will see... keeps thing simple...
  2. B

    Release Battery Cover Revealed

    Sorry to low down your joys but... it seems to be all wrong :unsure: The CE logo miss the number of the organization that do the tests. Since it is a CE marking, you CAN'T use custom symbols. You must use standard symbols. I ask the quality manager of my company. He speaks to me about a...
  3. B

    Lwjgl - Lightweight Java Game Library - Suitable?

    lwjgl is a OpenGL/OpenAL binding + jinput. Actually, it doesn't support OpenGL ES. I'm planning to make/help/beg for an OpenGL ES binding (when I get the hardward ;) ). I don't really know how the OpenGL ES will be done but I'm pretty sure that you will need to add an abstract layer to deal...