Search results

  1. limestrael

    Release Which of the most-likely-not-emulated systems do you want?

    That's all very well, but emulate a Dual-Screen with a single screen is not going to be easy. (Even if Pandora has a TV-out) What interests me is Game Boy Color emulation (I have a M3 (a GBA/DS loader) which turn out to be unable to run GBC games, really weird.)
  2. limestrael

    Release Which of the most-likely-not-emulated systems do you want?

    I'd really like a Dreamcast emulation. (N64 would be good as well, and GameCube too (I'm kidding ^^)) However I'm not very confident concerning Pandora's capabilities to emulate them.
  3. limestrael

    Release Playable media formats

    I know that since OpenPandora uses Linux, it can read various media formats, but do you know if it is powerful enough to decompress and play heavy formats such as h264 (high quality video format) and FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Compressor) ?
  4. limestrael

    hoping for a dev tutorial

    An OpenVG tutorial ? I've not been able to find one. I learn how to use it through examples given with the software implementation I use : ShivaVG : or The specifications and the...
  5. limestrael

    OpenVG on Pandora ?

    Yes, but here, it runs Ubuntu. I agree with you blackalice, it must be running from a SD card.
  6. limestrael

    hoping for a dev tutorial

    Since Pandora accelerates OpenVG, it'd be to my mind a better idea to use it for low level 2D drawing.
  7. limestrael

    Accelerometers ?

    I know, so I suggest, if a next version of the Pandora is released, that it is fitted with accelerometers.
  8. limestrael

    hoping for a dev tutorial

    Okay for the network, but concerning the touchscreen, will there be a specific and convenient API for handling it, or will we ever handle it through the mouse API ?
  9. limestrael

    hoping for a dev tutorial

    It is true that a development tutorial would be really useful. (Okay, there already are tutos on the web for SDL or OpenGL ES, but what about the Pandora network layer (how to make a multiplayer game) ? and the touchscreen ?)
  10. limestrael

    OpenVG on Pandora ?

    Very well! Pandora development is getting more and more interesting to me... Viva p&|a ! But I wonder a thing : Pandora is able to run Linux (I saw it could run Ubuntu) with only 256MB of flash ? Is there something I missed ?
  11. limestrael

    Accelerometers ?

    Is it planned to fit a next version of the Pandora with an accelerometer (or another movement sensing technology) ?
  12. limestrael

    OpenVG on Pandora ?

    Okay! :lol: That's great! I am currently working on OpenVG and PC graphics cards manufacturers are still lazy to implement this spec. I assume EGL is implemented as well ? (And... the python interpreter ? I think it's yes but I'm not sure...)
  13. limestrael

    OpenVG on Pandora ?

    Hello ! I saw that Pandora can take benefit of a 3D-hardware acceleration by means of OpenGL ES, but is the same for 2D-harware accel., with OpenVG (another Khronos specification) ? If not, I think It'd be a great idea to make Pandora capable to run OpenVG, to my mind it is exactly the kind of...