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  1. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    According to what dflemstr said, I don't need it. Unless you speak about an OpenGL ES 2.0 emulator? Yes, but how could you possibly make a 3D app without matrix computations? Can you do the same through only shaders?
  2. limestrael

    1080P Possible?

    Why are you interested by software when the hardware accelerates the video decompression?
  3. limestrael

    That New Pandora Smell

    Welcome... to the real world.
  4. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    They should! Even if matrix math isn't anymore computed by the OpenGL implementation they should at least provide an external utility lib that does those computations, as they did concerning windowing with GLUT or tesselations with GLU. OpenGL MUST remain simple to learn!
  5. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    Thanks! So that's NanoGL. I had already seen this word on the forum, but I didn't know what it was up to. Okay, so I can easily develop something on my computer without having to use an OMAP emulator. I don't understand. Does the KhronosGroup do so in order to match the current and future GPU...
  6. limestrael

    That New Pandora Smell

    Gosh, there's no point in skimping!
  7. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    Well you say it handles all the OpenGL 1.1 specification? If so, then it's enough for me. In fact, I'd like to get working on Pandora a 2D multimedia lib called SFML, which is a SDL-C++ counterpart, and which uses hardware acceleration thanks to OpenGL 1.1. Using hardware acceleration even for...
  8. limestrael

    Emulators + Multiplayer

    Well, if the game you're emulating was initially running on a console you connect to a TV (PSX, SNES...) - I don't know the exact term for that, seems that my english has its limits ^^ - you won't have to care about it, since it already handles the screen splitting if it needs it (Most of the...
  9. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    You're saying that someone here developped for the Pandora an OpenGL implementation based on OpenGL ES? Do you have a link to Pickle's post? I'd want to know how it's reliable and fast, and also which version of OpenGL is implemented.
  10. limestrael

    That New Pandora Smell

    You build a very simple recursive advertisement campaign: void talkToPeopleAboutPandora(person someone, person somefriend) { say(someone, somefriend, "Pandora is f**king good"); talkToPeopleAboutPandora(somefriend, getAFriend(somefriend)); }
  11. limestrael

    1080P Possible?

    There's no open-source drivers for the DSP ? Does that mean we have to use TI's driver or that we cannot use the DSP at all ? Has someone already used it ?
  12. limestrael

    Some Litte Questions

    I'm not familiar with the ARM architecture, so I don't know whether an app compiled for an ARM will work on every ARM, and if I'd be to say I'd say no. I need the knowledge of someone who's already knocked about.
  13. limestrael

    Emulators + Multiplayer

    I don't get your point. Would the Pandora be connected or not to a TV and would it be fitted or not with controllers, the emulator HAS to handle the screen splitting.
  14. limestrael


    That's what I was frightened of when I ordered my Pandora, but I saw how far've gone emulators on Pandora Vault ( ). But when will PSX4Pandora get some sound? I don't wanna play Vagrant Story or Chrono Cross with no musics! ^^
  15. limestrael

    0 Ad

    This is reassuring! And what about the PowerVR SGX? Do we have any comparison possible?
  16. limestrael

    0 Ad

    Slower than a core2duo, I can understand, but concerning the PII, I'm quite surprised...
  17. limestrael

    0 Ad

    ®?? Got a 600Mhz ARM, which can be overclockable to 800. This is way over an 1GHz x86. Got it. Moreover it is '256 MB RAM' I think. And it's 256 MB with a normal OS, not with a lightweight one. Ha, I don't know which CG the PowerVR is equivalent to, neither how much VRAM it has.
  18. limestrael

    Pandora Cube

    +1. It's no use to do it if it's to be a simple Pandora without screen/keyboard. It have to be more, or else it's useless. Yes it is. Again, what'd be the use?
  19. limestrael

    Emulators + Multiplayer

    The emulator doesn't mind about 'bluetooth' or not. It's up to it to handle four external controllers and a splitted screen.
  20. limestrael

    What's A Good Ui Library?

    Scala seems to be to you like a holy grail, huh? To me, Python is. I personnaly totally dislike Java (low consistency, not easy to use, slow development...), I know that Scala's based on it (and is made to communicate with it) but I don't know if it has improved the big defects of Java.