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  1. agwellin

    Youtube 240p loads slow. Is that normal?

    That must indicate a fundamental difference between you and me. That video would need to be the greatest piece of filmic art ever produced in order for my face to not look like <_< after having to wait for it to entirely load. Instant gratification is my anti-drug.
  2. agwellin

    Youtube 240p loads slow. Is that normal?

    Speedtest results from a server in Greensboro, NC: Desktop: 1.53 Mbps Pandora: 0.20 Mbps Soooo, :mellow: :( And Alerino, I'll look into that. maybe that'll help.
  3. agwellin

    Youtube 240p loads slow. Is that normal?

    Using Firefox 4, I can watch youtube videos at 240p, but they load well below playing speed, requiring me to pause and let it buffer for a good five minutes if i want to watch the whole thing straight through. Is that normal? I thought the Pandy was supposed to be decent with 240p youtube...
  4. agwellin

    space exploration/trading game?

    Sweet find, but there's no way that's legal, is it? They've gotta be banking on the fact that it's an old game and not worth suing over. I mean, if someone made an open-source copy of New Super Mario Bros and distributed it for free, Nintendo would have a fit.
  5. agwellin

    space exploration/trading game?

    Don't suppose there's any way to get Wing Commander: Privateer ported over? Sounds exactly like what OP is looking for, but I have no idea if the source was ever released.
  6. agwellin

    $350 price point gone forever?

    I made a thread about this a few days ago. Craig came in and said definitively that 500 USD is the price from now on. The pre-order price was actually below the cost of manufacturing. 500 will allow them to perhaps actually maybe make a profit on this project some day, possibly.
  7. agwellin

    So I guess it's not getting here til Monday ;_;

    @Blackalice: Yeah, you don't have a shipping address. That'll slow it down a few days! :lol: PS: ;_; ;_;
  8. agwellin

    So I guess it's not getting here til Monday ;_;

    Got my shipment notice yesterday, said it should be 24-48 hours with UPS, excluding weekends. Hoping to get it today, since tomorrow is the weekend. Well, it didn't come today. Normally I wouldn't go online and cry like this, but ;_; ;_; ;_; and ;_(
  9. agwellin

    Pandora has no competition?

    But should you have to bother? :P
  10. agwellin

    Angry Birds on Pandora?

    I'm still confused about the whole Flash thing. Is it that you can't install Flash directly to the Pandora, but you can install it as part of Firefox? But then it still doesn't work well on Firefox? Why not? Confused :(
  11. agwellin

    what about binned pandoras as next premium offer?

    The current way is more exciting. Will I get one that can overclock to 1500mhz, or will I get a get one that's not so much? It's like playing the lottery! Seriously though, it takes enough time to ship the little guys as is. They don't need another step.
  12. agwellin

    Pandora has no competition?

    Hmm, haven't really been following that piece of hardware. Maybe there is a close competitor! :lol:
  13. agwellin

    Pandora has no competition?

    Its gaming-bent is what sets it apart. No other piece of gaming tech has so many non-gaming functions. Likewise, no other pocket-pc is built for gaming like the Pandora is. Edit: okay, maybe the Xperia Play. See below.
  14. agwellin

    Smaller, Cheaper, Faster than the Pandora

    Yeah, sorry, this is just not in the same ballpark. Both are small computers, but Pandora is a portable gaming device, and Raspberrypi is meant to plug into a full screen and keyboard. There's no way I could pull a Raspberrypi out of my pocket and start gaming in the break room at work...
  15. agwellin

    Hmmmm.... Antivirus? Antimalware?

    Pretty much unrelated, but while we're on the subject of things Windows does wrong: I just got the urge to defragment my HDD. Windows Disk defragmenter says my disk is 0% fragmented. Auslogic Disk Defrag begs to differ with 20%. Thank you, Windows. Thank you.
  16. agwellin

    Hmmmm.... Antivirus? Antimalware?

    God, that's annoying. I'd love it if you could whitelist programs you use often, but when I can't open something mundane like NEStopia without that thing popping up, there's a problem.
  17. agwellin

    I WAS SCAMED! For real guys! *PROOF*

    I think it's supposed to be a parody of this thread: though it would help to keep that limited to THAT thread, and not cluttering up the rest of the board with it.
  18. agwellin

    Hmmmm.... Antivirus? Antimalware?

    So last time I checked, Linux-based systems were not particularly known for attracting the wrath of malware-makers. Don't think that's changed, but just checking with you guys to make sure that's still the case. If I did decide to protect my Pandora in some manner, is there any compatible...
  19. agwellin

    Screen Cleaning

    Ethyl alcohol (for drinking) and isopropyl alcohol (for rubbing) are two different chemicals. Yeah, drinking rubbing alcohol is a very bad idea.
  20. agwellin

    Screen Cleaning

    And is that good or bad for the screen?