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  1. NESnero

    Pandora Batch 2: A new hope (2011-07-28)

    Unless Craig just hasn't said so, it seems he hasn't recieved those boards yet......farkin CC.
  2. NESnero

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    Lets all sit down and have a big bowl of Strawberry Ice Cream!
  3. NESnero

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    ED being the man he is, would update this thread as soon as he received the shipment from CC, dam, looks like the shipment hasn't come yet, they need to make planes faster! Ones carrying the Pandora Boards are top priority!!!! :P
  4. NESnero

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    Woo hoo! Great news, hopefully there won't be much more trouble from CC before you switch board companies.
  5. NESnero

    Batch 1 and 2 moving a bit forward (2011-07-16)

    Do we know when we can expect the next shipment by CC, or how big it will be? Waiting for two months is quite dis-hearting, especially when you pay over $100 extra for a 7-DAY premium order. Not blaming you though :) My dad even recommend you throw in a free Pandora case for those premium...
  6. NESnero

    A fresh new start, Part 2 (2011-07-12)

    So ED. Did CC manage to deliver those boards they said they were going to do this week?
  7. NESnero

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Anyone know a video that shows how well Perfect Dark or Goldeneye run at this point in time? All the ones I can find are from either 2010 or early on in 2011 and show them running quite slowly, not as well as people are saying here.
  8. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    You guys should update the premium page, by saying there is a delay. Otherwise you will get more unhappy customers lured into the "7-day shipping" dilemma, which isn't happening at the moment....>_>
  9. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    So.... the Premiums that have been ordered thus far. Will be sent before you switch companies? seeing as how CC are gonna finish off making boards for you.
  10. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    So I take it the Premium Pandoras will arive before you switch to a new circuit company? o:
  11. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Except I haven't received the shipping email either D': Bah, I shouldn't complain, people have been waiting faaar longer than i have, tis just an annoyance.
  12. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Hey guys, great to hear you're breaking off from CC. Those guys have produced more delays than boards! Just wondering, I ordered a second batch Pandora in 2010, and upgraded to a Premium about a month ago, still hasn't shipped. So will this breaking away from CC cause my Premium another...
  13. NESnero

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Runs perfectly eh? Woo that's great. Not so sure about over clocking to 1Ghz to run Goldeneye perfectly though, after all the time its taken to get the Pandora, I'd hate to mess it up by exploding the CPU, although I have heard even 1ghz is safe..... In any case, perfect dark running perfectly...
  14. NESnero

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    Out of curiosity. How do shooters like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark run on the latest release of Mupen64? The videos on Yootoob show them running quite smoothly, and those are videos from 2010!
  15. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    So are premium Pandoras / regular orders still being slowly sent out?
  16. NESnero

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Good to read another update ED. I'm sure everyone is thankful for all the hard work you and your team have put in over the years, despite obstacles such as hardware and CC issues. When the current CC issue is fixed be sure to tell us right away! I have a premium Pandora ordered (I couldn't...