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  1. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    So mcobit, how long till the average Pandora user can get a hold of this emulator miraculum?
  2. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    Caaaarn, give us a peek
  3. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    When this is out I'm gonna try running Deus Ex and System Shock 2 on 98. I don't even care if it runs at -10,000FPS and takes a day to load, Imma do it anyway!
  4. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    Ah, thanks. Do you think the resource usage could be toned down before the release, or is it as good as its going to get?
  5. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    Hey mcobit, what clockspeed were you running at when you last recorded Age of Empires? Might be an idea to put them in the video descriptions! :) Also being a newb here, but just asking why the Pandora runs UT at such a horrible speed? I mean it can run Quake 3 pretty damn good and they seem...
  6. NESnero

    Audacious problem, certain sounds not playing?

    Wait, its working now, I didn't actually do anything to it, however now when I listen to another song, its crackly as fudge. and when I start a new song theres this huge *click* sound going through the headphones. the headphones are fine though, I listen to the same stuff on my laptop with no...
  7. NESnero

    Audacious problem, certain sounds not playing?

    Hello, when I play a song in Audacious, more specifically, the Battery Park theme from Deus Ex, some parts of the song, don't play. I don't mean the entire song will cut out for about 4 seconds. Hear that sorta high pitched "kih" noise...
  8. NESnero

    Audio nuts take note

    Hey BaDToaD, what media player do you use on Pandora most of the time? Being the audiophile you are, you've probably tried all of them. Also what headphones do you use when listening to music?
  9. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    Woah, I was just saying how good Qemu looks... what have I done? D':
  10. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    The only way someone could beat this for the Rebirth comp is coming out with a 100% legal working port of playable Skyrim. Dohohohhohohoho
  11. NESnero

    Release Qemu for Pandora (for rebirth competition)

    This is really amazing guys, cant wait to get my PTOD fixed so i can play my childhood again. I'm still holding out hope for System Shock 2 and HL1 *sniff*....... a man can dream. :wub:
  12. NESnero

    Pandora Essentials

    Favourite browser - Chromium Favorite Music player - Deadbeef Favorite video - Pan player favorite Port - Warcraft - Orcs and Humans! Favorite Homebrew - Super Geometry Dust!
  13. NESnero

    Audio nuts take note

    When i read this post I just started listening to the Blade Runner soundtrack on the Pandora with my Sennheiser 515's. I never noticed how great it is, its the same as if listening on my laptop, if not better! My new portable music player! :D
  14. NESnero

    Release GPSP For Pandora... From Notaz!

    When I read "GPSP" I thought it might have been a PSP emulator shock and awe.
  15. NESnero

    100% success! (2011-12-24)

    Really great news for the massive hike and advancement in production quality, however I can't help but be a little peeved at the aspect that all the new Pandoras produced henceforth will have twice as much RAM at no extra cost to the Pandora buyer, I understand that those people have already...
  16. NESnero

    Doom3 Source Code Released (GPL licensed)

    This would be a good example of the top quality games the Pandora is capable of, Rebirth anyone?