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    I Want To Play Final Fantasy

    hey some of the gameboy FF games are decent.
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    Anybody Want To Do A Title Screen?

    Don't ever forget again.... or elze.
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    Download Versions For Gp2x Commercial Games

    I would pay around $5-$10 for a downloadable comercial GP2X game. Depending on what kind of encryption it used. I wouldn't want it to be locked to my 2x and then I get a new unit or something.
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    Is There Anyone Working In A 2-cores Snes Emulator?

    Where is epicenter with his huge technical spill? Won't be long I suppose.
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    Nice New Gp2x Hardware ..

    That is a good idea, but is having your serial number in your sig a very good idea?
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    Tommy's Joystick Mod

    that looks nice too.. It works and looks like it was made that way. Good job. Props to your wife man.
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    Unofficial Cases For Gp2x

    Yeah I bet a camera bag would be perfect for the 2x and all the accessories.
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    GP2X Gba Emu And Static Translation

    Dood.. that was a cool story.. Weird how jeff disappeared though. I hope he is ok.
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    I Just Thought Id Tell You Guys What I Thought About My Gp2x

    I know this is pretty unpatriotic of me, but the real question is which one tastes better? I haven't had the chance to fry or grill an eagle lately so I guess we will never know.
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    Music Wanted

    I got some stuff.
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    New Gp2x Review!!! @ Trusted Reviews!!

    nice review. The unit looks smaller in hand than I thought it to be. More pics would be nice though.
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    How Many Gp2xs Have Been Sold?

    What is this full speed GBA emu you speak of. I have been looking for a good reason to stop carrying around all those GBA carts.
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    Ti Calc

    Yes, I strongly believe the 2x needs more apps to go along with all its games. It is essentially a handheld linux computer. With more programs and utilities the better. Calc, notepad, paint, address book, media player are just some of the basics it needs to make it more versatile.
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    Ti Calc

    I wouldn't mind seeing one either. The DS has a TI emu out.. If we truly want the 2x to be an all in one it needs a calculator damnit.
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    Wy Did They Not Build In Mmu In Both Processors?

    I just want to say that epicenter seems to know his stuff.. every time I read his posts I am like, "What does this guy do in his free time?" Are you an electronic engineer or do you just love the hell out of some electronics.
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    Developer Bob - Is It Meant For Everyday Usage?

    Please explain the Mk2 comment. Only one ac adapter is needed with a mk2 and a bob.. but 2 are needed with a mk1?
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    Mytho's Rpg Now Salvaria

    I guess I will add to the long list of praise. This does look incredible and it adds to the list of reasons I need to actually buy a 2x. I hope the story and gameplay match the nice looks.
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    Gp32z Is Closing Down

    Damn. I was going to order mine from there. Now they are closing up. I might wait a while before I order now.. Maybe a new distributor will pop up.
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    Gp2x Community Game Contest!

    Yes. make this sticky.