These stick threads are getting ridiculous. There needs to be one comprehensive area where everyone can see all the options they have for modding the control scheme on the 2x.
I figured a dremel would be the ideal solution.. I still wish there was a more generic or even more custom pad though. The qd pad is so noticeable. Everyone that sees it will recognize the thing.
I personally think Hexic (like the free xbox live arcade game on 360 premiums) would be a better choice. I am sure someone is familiar with it. It plays nicely without a touchscreen.
This is a great idea and it can easily work. If anyone remembers the DS wifi bounty to crack ds wifi. Donations made it into the $1,000s. It wont be that hard to Pump up a donation from this scene. I really hope that someone decides to make an epic rpg or turn based strategy game...
You know.. I need to use mine more often. Have we all come to a general consensus that the QDs pad is the best solution? I am eager to see more testing. In all honesty its not even a dpad, but rather a ridged circle. Cross pads have always been the preferred input method. I just want to see...
Please post pics!! I remember seeing your GCN dpad mod and I thought it was fantastic. So radeks kit is an actual pcb board replacement? Now I am going to be searching for all manor of d-pads to test out if I ever get my hands on the kit.
Nice. Are you trying to make it to where there will be no need for using a dremel to cut the case? I don't mind soldering, but I don't know if I trust myself enough to cut up the gp2x's shell. I sometimes question why they didn't include a d-pad in the original design.. was the stick cheaper?
Please keep us informed, an easy to install d-pad mod for the 2x would be a great acheivement for the scene. Have you seen the recently release button mod for the DS that allows the x and y button to be used during gba gameplay mode?
Does the kit work with other D-pads? I wish I wouldn't have trashed my old N-gage now. lol. It was a demo unit I salvaged from a store after the hurricane.
The dos box seems like it would be one of the better emulators to try and optimize. Most old PC games are starting to be released as freeware and the specs they require to run are pathetic. What will it take for us to convince a little team to tweak the hell out of a dos emu?
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