Search results

  1. J

    The Cases: What's Done And What's Next?

    My guess. 1. Cases arrived. 2. They were perfect. 3. Tired of all the complaints, the Pandora team decides to build a few units and suprise us all. 4. Monday we get a video of the COMPLETED FINISHED unit with a few sitting in the background teasing us. 5. We then wait a few weeks for production...
  2. J

    If You Want A Pandora

    Yes sir, that's me :)
  3. J

    If You Want A Pandora

    Nope not 10 available, he has 50 in this auction. It has been reported, definitely against Ebay rules and without an official release date for the Pandora this is unethical also.
  4. J

    All Orders Refunded - So What If You Didn't Get A Refund?

    For everyone that got a refund email but no refund. If you have online access. Make sure you look at your previous statement that has the ORIGINAL Pandora order. A lot of credit card companies just refund it back and put it on the old statement. If you do not have online access .... CALL YOUR...
  5. J

    Swap Gp2x With Accesories For Psp

    What ??? I shipped a PSP to Europe from the U.S. with EMS shipping for $28
  6. J

    $160 Burning Hole In My Paypal, Whatya Got To Sell?

    I have a Gold GameBoy Pocket "light". It's in good condition with a few minor scuffs. Pm me an offer :) I also have a PSP. 1.50 firmware with a new "purple" faceplate. Pm me about that also if you're interested.
  7. J

    Wtb Gp32 Console+games Etc

    I have a GP32 Blu....Glass Screen....Hardware overclocked/stable to 210.....2-128gb cards....In great condition. PM me an offer.
  8. J

    Broke My Joystick :(

    Thanks I PM'd him and he's going to get me a joystick. :D
  9. J

    Broke My Joystick :(

    Well now it's the entire joystick. I'm going to have to unsolder the entire bottom part and replace the entire thing because the part that is soldered to the motherboard is broke also. Does anyone sell the entire joystick ?
  10. J

    Broke My Joystick :(

    Well I've put on several joysticks and never had a problem. But it looks as if the plastic piece on the metal part of the joystick broke and then the plastic surrounding the spring broke.
  11. J

    Broke My Joystick :(

    Well I was trying to put on a new joystick because my kids lost my old one, and I pushed to hard and broke the joystick. I'm talking about the internal parts to the joystick. The part on the motherboard. Is there any way to buy parts or am I screwed ? Here's a pic :
  12. J

    Gp32 Blu -- Interest Check

    I haven't used it for a while so i'm thinking about selling it. It's a boxed complete like new Blu (not Blu+). I have modded it (with resistors not pencils :) ) It will run stable up to 208mhz. I also have put in a glass screen. I would also include 2 128mb cards that are loaded with the...
  13. J

    I Saw A Used Blu In A Game Store Today And...

    You sir are full of crap and obviously don't own a BLU and have never seen one. :rolleyes: The BLU has much better lighting and contrast. The FLU is washed out and the black is muted because of the Front-light. Please don't post if you don't have a clue what you are talking about. And...
  14. J

    How Good Is Snes Emu At 180-200 Mhz?

    Are you kidding ? OSnes at 200 mhz is a lot faster than LJP at ANY speed on a Zodiac. Just put on Super Mario World. On the GP32 at 200mhz at Fs0 it's nearly perfect. On the Zodiac you have to set it to FS1 or Fs2 to get the same results.
  15. J

    Changing Glass = Dust

    Nope, you can't get a replacement anywhere. The best thing to do is what you've done, ask for a broken Flu unit with a good Flu. Or sale your unit as a NLU and buy a Blu.
  16. J

    Anyone Know Where I Can Get A Replacement Screen?

    Use a razorblade and cut the gray plastic a little bit on the corners and edges and it will fit perfect. Had to do that with both of mine.
  17. J

    Upgrading My Nlu

    Someone here also used a battery powered clip on Book Light from Wal-Mart that worked a lot better than a WormLight.
  18. J

    Squidge Is Going To Work On Pce For The Gp32 Again Sorry if it's been mentioned but I didn't see it anywhere. I can't wait for Saves......
  19. J

    Glass Screen Is Too Thick!

    Mine had the same problem. I just used a razor blade and shaved down the gray plastic a bit and then the glass fit perfect.