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  1. J

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    Boy, oh boy. Do they even teach people to read with comprehension anymore in school ? Everything I've said was taken out of context, or twisted, or misquoted. But then again , what should someone expect from a Forum ? Intelligent conversation and replies ? I guess not. Why don't you...
  2. J

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    Exactly my point. You've proved it quite well . Another loud mouth idiot that I will now ignore.
  3. J

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    Why should he take abuse ? He doesn't have to , but he should be smart enough to ignore 12 year old idiots . He's a hero ? I admit he's an excellent coder but a hero ? Does he save peoples lives and rescue kittens in trees? Lets not go overboard here.
  4. J

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    See theres the problem,people always misquoting and misunderstanding. Did I say they were "prima donnas", NO ! I asked if programers were prima donnas , and if they sulk if people don't like their work. Apparently this forum is full of underage people. Because I have been running 3...
  5. J

    Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!

    Or how about this, why don't people grow up ? If you can't take criticism don't ever do anything, or leave the house. Are programers such prima donnas that if someone says something negative about their work, they go sulking back home ?
  6. J

    Flu Or Blu?

    No and there will never be a way to do it.
  7. J

    Flu Or Blu?

    Umm , I have a Non-lit, a Flu and a Blu, and you can see the Blu fine in sunlight. It's only about 10% darker than the Flu. And by the way, the Flu is about 10% darker than the Non-lit.
  8. J

    Gameking 2!!!

    The games are basically junk and you have to pay extra for them through download. L.E.D. Football , an Asteroids Clone, etc.
  9. J

    Gameking 2!!!

    I,ve got a T-Mobile Sidekick. In the U.S. it's the best and fastest mobile internet device. The internet connection is actually faster than 56K dial-up. I can check E-Bay prices on items while I'm at Pawn Shops and Flea Markets. :D
  10. J

    Which Handles Snes Better?

    I have a 200mhz GP32 running a 200mhz version of OpenSnes and a Zodiac which I overclock to 240mhz running LJZ. The GP32 can play most games at FS0 nearly perfect whereas I have to set the Zodiac to FS1 or FS2 to get the same speed. I personally think it's just because LJZ is not nearly as...
  11. J

    Dr Md Compatibility List

    Ok usually I don't do things like this. :( I just tried it again at 180 mhz and i's not doing the same thing. I can only assume it was the batteries or something to do with restarting a game with different settings (like changing the mhz ) Sorry for the stupid post.
  12. J

    Drmd - Genesis Emulator

    Ok usually I don't do things like this. :( I just tried it again at 180 mhz and i's not doing the same thing. I can only assume it was the batteries or something to do with restarting a game with different settings (like changing the mhz ) Sorry for the stupid post
  13. J

    Dr Md Compatibility List

    How is my comment offensive ? If you would have taken a second to read the post with COMPREHENSION you would have noticed that I say the frameskip is to high which makes me sick to my stomach. How in the good lords name is that offensive ? Just because you own a Gamesite doesn't give you the...
  14. J

    Wanted: All For Princess

    I have a boxed copy I could sell. E-mail or PM me an offer.
  15. J

    Drmd - Genesis Emulator

    Ok I have the Newest Release of Drmd and I have a problem. What the heck is the frameskip set at ? Every game I play is terrible. It's like they're all set at FS 3 or higher. Makes me sick to my stomach . I love the sound but is there a way to set the FS to 0 ?
  16. J

    Dr Md Compatibility List

    Ok I have the Newest Release of Drmd and I have a problem. What the heck is the frameskip set at ? Every game I play is terrible. It's like they're all set at FS 3 or higher. Makes me sick to my stomach . :blink: I love the sound but is there a way to set the FS to 0 ?
  17. J

    Psx Emu

    Yea my overclocked modded GP32 Blu can go to 208mhz in the clocktester and 200mhz in OpenSnes.
  18. J

    Atari 5200 For Sale (lynx Package Included)

    Got the 5200 and extras today. :D Everything works perfect , Thanks ... :)
  19. J

    Any One Wanna Sell Me

    I'll take 2 for that price. :lol:
  20. J

    Blu Vs Flu Speed ??

    I got my Blu from you Craig and I volt modded it myself . Stable at 200 mhz in OpenSnes , and stable to 208 in the clockspeed test. I guess it just depends on what resistors you use. :D