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  1. H

    Psx4gp2x V0.1.2 Test 1 - Playstation 1 Emulator For Gp2x

    well a merry christmas to you, too :)
  2. H

    Welcome To My Dream

    this looks stunning! the only thing you forgot is a hard-wired volume pot hehe i have an f100, and i won't be buying the pandora... but if it looked like this, i'd probably change my mind about buying it :P
  3. H

    Working On A NewVersion Of Psx4gp2x.

    it's good to know you're still working on it :)
  4. H

    Who Uses Open2x?

    i haven't had the courage yet to switch to it.. do you people use it? should i upgrade now, or should i wait for a "proper" release? discuss :)
  5. H

    Opentyrian2x Alpha Released!

    well i just loaded it up on dosbox, and before it launched, it game me a message on the terminal, if i wanted to activate christmas mode, yes or no, so it must check the date from the system clock (and from what i know the gp2x doesn't have one :( ) but i really care more about flying the carrot...
  6. H

    Opentyrian2x Alpha Released!

    yeap, same here, it doesn't quit, it just hangs.. apart from that, i think it's coming along GREAT on the gp2x. the little things that need attention imho (apart from the the above problem), is that we should be able to use the volume up/down. i do believe that this is kinda tricky to setup, so...
  7. H

    Picodrive And Gpfce Updated

    may i be the first to say, thank you! i'm the guy who asked for the "fast forward" key :D shining in the darkness and phantasy star 2 here i come :D it's good to see that you're still working on an already great emulator, just to add the finishing touches and all the extra stuff! thanks again...
  8. H

    Guitar Hero2x

    well you could easily load linux on your mac :) and +1 on stepmania, if only for a few more modules...
  9. H

    Need Mirror: Psx4gp2x Build 072407

    oops, sorry to hear that adventus, it's funny how things like that only happen at the worst possible moment (murphy's law :P ) anywayz it's coming along nicely, can't wait for the final list, thx :) yeah, i've been wondering about that, too. i can't blame him for not releasing anything, as far...
  10. H

    Need Mirror: Psx4gp2x Build 072407

    so, how's you list going? do you still work on it?
  11. H

    F-100 Brick. Please Help!

    well that's why the faq says you shouldn't do it :P anywayz here's a guide, i haven't bricked mine (yet) so i haven't tried it, but it makes sense.
  12. H

    Opentyrian2x Alpha Released!

    sounds great! probably my favorite shoot'em'up, the only game that lets you fly a carrot :P
  13. H

    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 5 Released

    it's on the archive, along with everything else,0,0,0,1 direct link here
  14. H

    Playable Games On Psx4all?

    i always thought that psx emulation on the gp2x was a lost cause, i never thought it would be playable... i think i'll try a few games when i finish lunar on picodrive, to clear off some space on my sd card :P maybe i can find a few old school rpgs on the psx that may be playable :) cheers
  15. H

    Playable Games On Psx4all?

    on the current release, is any game playable on the gp2x? speedwise that is. i haven't tried it yet, it would be good to know what to expect.. cheers
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    Weird S-video Problem...

  17. H

    Weird S-video Problem...

    you did what? a connector what? pins what? sorry man i just can't follow you. i just plugged the s-video cable to my tv and that was it. 4pin to yellow rca converter? i'll assume 4pin is s-video? it's just a cable converter, but it won't get you any good quality.. be more specific about your...
  18. H

    Gngeo2x Help?

    +1. plus some of the roms require gfx dumps (?) in order to work. you can make them yourself, or just get the torrent (obviously from games you do own ;)
  19. H

    Sdio Wifi B/g

    that looks great, if someone rebuilds the drivers for gp2x. the site says there are drivers for linux based samsung pocket-things, but i doubt anything from that can be used, even if the source was released. either way it would be great!!!
  20. H

    More Picodrive Megacd/sega Cd Questions ....

    yeap, i've run both games with the latest picodrive, just fiddle with the sega cd settings a bit.