Picodrive Freezing


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2007
I have picodrive running, but it keeps freezing. Seems to only happen when the sound is turned on, is this a known problem or something I need to change.... yes I am a noob as I just got my gp2x today
did you get the latest picodrive version? if yes, the only thig that i can think of is overclocking too much. all games should run at standard 200mherz though
robnmish said:
I have picodrive running, but it keeps freezing. Seems to only happen when the sound is turned on, is this a known problem or something I need to change.... yes I am a noob as I just got my gp2x today
Don't blast the sound full volume while overclocking. The speakers are so strong they take away power from the CPU and it may lock up.
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ok, I actually didn't even overclock it. I will try to turn the sound down and see what I get. Thanks alot