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  1. F

    Are we at the GP32's end ?

    No way! Even most systems that make the mainstream never reach the limit of their capabillitys and thats with huge developement teams and oodles of cash thrown in.Most video game systems are simply superceded by something that shifts the expectations of game fans. I think that the gp32 can...
  2. F

    GBA Gpcinema

    Please go to this link all will be made clear it takes compact flash and is better than the official one as you can make your files. I dont think you can put emulators and roms on it though. It is just for media files as far as I can...
  3. F

    Sony PSP design

    8mb ram and a gpu would be more than enough to play game better than ps1.Especially if you consider the supposed speed and capacity of the new disc format. FF109, gran tourismo,quake 2 list is endless and prices of used games come down very fast could be great
  4. F

    where can i download an avi player with sound?????

    I tried all the players before getting gp cinema its the only real option.You'll have to find a friend with a credit card to help you.By the way gpcinema is an excellent piece of kit and well worth it's paltry asking price
  5. F


    If you want to read books on gp32 I would recommend lazy reader. Most book formats can be converted to plain text just open them on your pc and then choose save as and choose plain text from the options.The exception is pdf format which can be converted using an app callled pdftotext which is...
  6. F


    I did that test and the god botherers wont be surprised to find that Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you...
  7. F

    USA Politics

    I dont understand why a really good and well loved president(if such a thing could be found) couldn't run again when the other option may be to hand the country to a bunch of total losers.
  8. F


    I have so far been quite vocal in this forum but I dont think I have made myself clear.I would love to believe in something!! But however hard I look at the various faiths that I come across I see nothing but contradictions. For example take the fourth crusade when roman christians went and...
  9. F

    How many forum members does it takes

    Plus at least one to start a flame war by saying that the existance of lightbulbs proves his theory of religion/life/god/the universe and everything!
  10. F

    GP32 radio or tv module for gp32 (EXT. port)

    av out would be so cool gpengine override on tv! If anyone can make it I'll buy one
  11. F


    is religion really important? millions of people live perfectly good lives not killing or stealing or coveting their neighbours ox or what ever without giving religion a second thought. And isn't religion just afterlife insurrance.The I dont know if there is but I'm not taking chances branch of...
  12. F

    U.S. Jet Bombs England

    yeah it's bad enough that every time we help them they kill more of us than the enemy do! But attacking us at home really takes the piss! I see two possibillities here 1)he got lost enroute to bagdhad! 2)he thought the sheep on the moor were hiding taliban! (remember them?) oh and I heard...
  13. F

    USA Politics

    Democracy? in a country with only two parties?(no on else can afford a viable campaign) you're kidding yourselves.And whats this business of only two terms.So even if you find a really great pres with his finger on the pulse who actually isn't in the pocket of big business or prepared to sell...
  14. F


    A pc world opened in my town about 18 months ago and the other day I was talking to some one I know but havent seen for a few years. Turns out he works in my local pc world as one of their "expert staff" so I started asking him about a recent pc problem i've had and he told me he didn't have a...
  15. F

    Help with the mp3player

    The problem will probably be the bitrate or the sample rate as the built in player is very picky.Download the new one from the download section its much better and plays all bitrates I've ever tried.
  16. F

    whats the worst game youve played?

    I've changed my mind it is fair to name one as the worst ever street racer for the gameboy classic. It was just a mess of pixels and nearly impossibe to tell the track from your cart and driver!
  17. F

    Dreamcast propaganda (lol)

    soul calibur is still about the best beat em up ever
  18. F

    whats the worst game youve played?

    there are so many! it's not fair to have to pick just one e.g every game associated with disney in any way
  19. F

    Good Mech Game

    Sounds ike walker to me.did the mech look like a cross between a two legged walker from star wars and ed209
  20. F

    Ultima 7

    dosent snes have ultima 7?