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  1. D

    Pxml File Format Defintion

    Suggestion: Perhaps there could be an ADDTOPATH entry or something like that. This would be useful for libraries or a collection of commandline apps. Just drag-and-drop the fooTools or libBar anywhere onto your SD and start using them.
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    Pxml File Format Defintion

    Sorry if I came across as flaming, in my mind we were having a civilized, not entirely uninteresting, technical discussion. :)
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    Pxml File Format Defintion

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the point of PXML is to have software in movable directories. Unfortunately, .desktop only support absolute paths (or executables in a directory in the PATH variable). The .desktop format is designed around the classic UNIX way of doing things where...
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    Pxml File Format Defintion

    Concerning designing XML formats, this article I bookmarked recently might prove useful. .desktop doesn't seem to support relative paths for its executables. I think it was designed with a slightly different purpose in mind. I support XML or something similar, as long as there are lots of...
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    Pandora Pandora Sync Suite

    No, the PHP script should make a list.xml file. .txt is so old and old-fashioned. XML is so over and over-rated, though. If you need the full power of XML, why not use JSON, which is much more compact? Even JSON might be overkill, though. Assuming all programs will have the same meta-data, CSV...
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    Keyboard Layout And Durability

    There's already too few keys to represent a basic US keyboard. I think the pandora should ship with basic US qwerty characters mapped onto the keyboard as well as possible. I don't like the idea of using stickers. Rather, if you have set a non-US keymap, if you press any of the special keys, I...
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    What's that Quake 3 mod with cell shading called? We could easily borrow code from that. A cell shaded style should make the texturing much easier, I think. Though I believe cell shaded rendering is a bit more resource intensive than regular rendering (somewhat ironically, because it looks...
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    Pandora I Want To Try And Make A Game For Pandora!

    I'd suggest Python. With the PyGame library you can draw 2D graphics pretty easily.
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    Pandora's Next Competitor - The Iphone!

    You've obviously never used BeOS or RiscOS. ;)
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    I'd say barricades should be made with the help of movable objects already on the map.
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    Hi guys, sorry for not being here during the last week. Real life had me distracted, my mom is pretty sick. Quake 3 (which Tremulous is based on) is too complicated for me to program. So I think you should know that, regretfully, I won't be contributing much code if you choose this engine.
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    You should probably try installing MediaWiki or some other Wiki. If you need help, both me and javaJake are webdevelopers. :)
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    Communities don't create games, teams of hard working people create games. Lots and lots of community input is possible and something to be strived for, but designing by committee is usually a bad idea. You can't design every single detail of a game by a massive vote. That way you'll end up...
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    Zombie Apocalypse

    That's great! Feel free to sign up at the Wiki. Am I to understand you've written scripted events for RPG's?
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    I Don't Want Pandora Anymore.

    The opposite is true for me. The moment I learned about the Pandora I stopped caring about the EEE PC. But to each his own, I guess.
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    About The Slogan For Pandora

    "Once it's open..."