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  1. timothee

    A Few Questions From A New Gp2x Owner

    Here is the good news: the next generation of rechargeable batteries will be ready to use off the shelves. Check out the Sanyo eneloop ( for example, possibly the first of their kind. Until these become available widely though, I second all that was said before: after...
  2. timothee

    Command Prompt On Serial Link?

    @squidge: being a console based application, I doubt minicom uses Ctrl+C for copy. There must be something else (and probably simple too). I'm still looking, although since I have PuTTY working, my motivation is lower now :P. I find causing a segfault a bit hardcore too, so I'd rather avoid that...
  3. timothee

    Command Prompt On Serial Link?

    Success!! :D PuTTY works. Looks like the problem I was having with minicom is just not being able to send a proper Ctrl-C, minicom must be trapping these but I don't know how to disable that. I'll look deeper later on. Mwuuhhahahahahah, so I'm in at last!!! I can feel the power when I see the...
  4. timothee

    Command Prompt On Serial Link?

    Thanks for your responses guys. I'll give a shot to PuTTY tonight to check if I get different results from minicom. Even then though, I'm not sure of what I am supposed to see. Is a "gp2x#" prompt just supposed to appear after the boot messages? Or must I start an application from the gp2x...
  5. timothee

    Command Prompt On Serial Link?

    Hi there, I've been trying to get a command prompt via the serial link but I'm completely failing at it. Below is what I have so far. From there, could someone help me getting a bash prompt, please? equipment: F200 + craddle + seral cable PC-side: gentoo linux + minicom After I start...
  6. timothee

    Yahtzee Gp2x V2.1

    Thanks for update! I'm going to download and install it right away :) Yahtzee is the game I love to have when I have only a little time to play, so I actually play it quite often. The interface is great and I love the F200 touch screen support. To roll and select the dice, it's perfect...
  7. timothee

    Gp2x-cap32: Amstrad Cpc Emulator For Gp2x V1.3.1

    This absolutely rocks!! CPC6128 was my first computer and I'm so happy play it again on the GP2X, Thanks for the great port! I face one issue playing "Flying Shark": there is a full line horizontal glitch at the middle of the screen. What is the most appropriate place to report a bug of this kind?
  8. timothee

    F200 Few Noob Questions

    Thanks for that, Enexfi works great! Thanks all! I have now installed GMenu2x and it works great, I'm on my way to try out the few skins I downloaded too :). Cheers!
  9. timothee

    F200 Few Noob Questions

    Hi guys, Thanks for your responses. @Gr.Viper: Thanks, this makes sense and I now get a clearer picture about power supply for GP2X/craddle. Thanks for the link too, indeed it looks easy enough to open it. @mrsnature: understood, I'll give it a shot. @eric: Yes, it's fun! Now that I got...
  10. timothee

    F200 Few Noob Questions

    Hi there, I finaly took the plunge and got myself a brand new GP2X F200!! Love it so far, had no problem installing emulators and I could play pretty much everything I wanted. I even hope to get my hands dirty with development. Before I try that though, I had some questions: * I got myself...