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  1. K

    GP32 new ideas for a GBA emulator

    You do that. I will praise the ground upon which you walk should you be able to pull it through. ´ Another idea... Get the emulator running at decent speed before you start worrying about those big roms.
  2. K

    Fighting games

    I´ve been playing soem Samurai SHodown 2 on the Neo Geo Pocket emulator. I´m not a big fighter-fan but I find it quite amusing.
  3. K

    Tone dialer 1.1 for GP32

    That guy is cool!
  4. K


    That´s pretty cool, I´m going to have to try that out.
  5. K


    I take the risk of sounding stupid... What the heck is a Tone Dailer?
  6. K


    My programming skills are extremly limited so I wouldn´t know. A shame it would be hard to port becasue it is a very good movieplayer.
  7. K

    GP32 to dreamcast lin cable soon available

    but it would be very cool to play networked NGPC (or GBC) emulated on the GP32 and with a real NGPC or GBC.
  8. K

    VLC This is a very efficient movieplayer, consumes very little cpu power. Supposed to be "Highly portable" according to site.
  9. K

    Am I just stupid?

    There is a version for Nes? I didn´t know thatm I know of a Mega Drive and possibly Snes version but not NES. I´ll check it out.
  10. K

    Help the GP32 by NOT making a GBA...

    A car can be used to drive beyond speed limits. They can also be used to store all the things you stole when you broke into that house. You don´t sue the car company because someone broke into your house.
  11. K

    Can't open anything in Game folder

    I cannot see any files in the GAME dir when using Pc-link. I can when I use the Compact File Manager.
  12. K

    Wad's not loading

    Why does Shareware Doom work then? I think I´ll try it though.
  13. K

    Wad's not loading

    I seen to get the same problem, Shareware doom loads but the others seem to hang during loading.
  14. K

    Am I just stupid?

    I got Xenon running using Joystick mode, no luck with Cannon Fodder yet, anyone else got that working?
  15. K

    Am I just stupid?

    I have the same problem with Cannon FOdder, game seems to be running fine but I cannot get past the First Mission Briefing. I´ve pressed every key on the keyboard.
  16. K

    Battle of the computers

    AMD>Intel That´s why.
  17. K

    Battle of the computers

    Now I´m interested. Do you develop PS2 games?
  18. K

    Am I just stupid?

    Automation Disc 133 Containing Xenon 2 and two other games. I cannot get Xenon to work, the game starts, then it says hit space to play, I do and nothing happens it then starts looping the credits and the highscore, pressing space does nothing. Anyone experiencing the same?
  19. K

    Atari STe

    You do know that there is a something called SCUMM that allows you to play Monkey Island and similar games on the GP32?
  20. K

    Swedish GP32 Community?

    Don´t they use some sort of made up language? Well I guess it should be close to icelandic and icelandic is pretty close to swedish. Visst kan vi ett Svenskt GP32 "Samhälle". :P