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  1. J

    Broken Gp2X Diagnostics

    This is exactly (well not totally) how the boards are put together. Most of the components are porous and don't absorb heat very well, but the solder does. In order for it to work, you have to warm up the board to a safe, but hot temperature. I don't know the exact temperature yet, but it's...
  2. J

    Broken Gp2X Diagnostics

    I just got back into the scene, purchasing first an F-100 and breakout board, followed by an F-200 and a few cradles to use and share. After playing with the F-200 for a couple of days, the unthinkable happened. I put it on the couch, and when I sat down, it fell to the floor. About a 12 inch...
  3. J

    Easy Overclocking

    Somehow, I've managed to lose my GP32 :( I bought a GP2X last year, and the GP32 went into a drawer somewhere. I guess it felt neglected, and ran away. GP32! If you read this, please come home. I love you, and we all miss you. I'm sure wherever you are, the pencil trick is still working!
  4. J

    GP32 Devkitarm9, Please Help!

    Here's what I've done so far: Installed devkitPro latest version. FYI: Official GPSDK cannot be added to devkitPro as it contains confliting, incompatible files. This is an important issue to consider if you are using the pre-compiled SDL libs. I managed to get past most of the compile...
  5. J

    GP32 Devkitarm9, Please Help!

    Geepee does need a tweak as I recall. I haven't had much time to try and compile since I got set up due to loosing my GP32 on a flight back from Chicago, but luckily, an honest soul found it and was kind enough to return it. It pays to write your address on the battery cover. I'm just glad...
  6. J

    GP32 Devkitarm9, Please Help!

    Download devkitProUpdater from,1,2,0,14,740 Save the devkitProUpdater-1.0.4.exe file in an empty folder on your desktop. This way, all the downloaded files will be in a manageable location in case you want to upgrade in the future. Run the...
  7. J

    Easy Overclocking

    Hi Alex! I was going to wait until the new year to post an update, but I have not checked in since my last post, and I missed your post, so I'm posting this reply just for you! As it turns out, I took the family on another out of town trip. This time, to Aspen, where there is little to do in...
  8. J

    Easy Overclocking

    Hellooo! It's April fool's day here. Today I'm in Miami, Florida, for a wedding. I brought my trusty GP32 with me to entertain my 2 year old daughter with DrMD and "Barney's Hide and Seek" As the owner of the worlds first pencil-clocked GP32, I'm here to report that everything is still...
  9. J

    Easy Overclocking

    It will be 8 months on December 18 since I penciled the first GP32 for this post. If anyone is still interested, it has increased slightly in stability and now goes up to 212. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that originally my BLU could go as high as 166 and no more. See you in April ;^)
  10. J

    Easy Overclocking

    Dude, you're way off base with your comment (look at the name on the first post to this topic). I'm not saying that squeezing is what makes this works. I'm offering an explanation for why the resistance values might change even after the graphite is removed. And further more, have you tried...
  11. J

    Easy Overclocking

    This phenomenon of previously lower speed, unmodified GPs suddenly clocking higher after the pencil trick is definately a result of physical contact with the resistors by a hard object (in this case the tip of the pencil). These resistors are like sandwiches (tuckers for you mates Down Under)...
  12. J

    GP32 Creating A New Game-console. Homebrew Project

    There are plenty of small SBCs that could be used as the hardware platform. There are also ways of making the case cheap, although I can not vouch for durability.
  13. J

    Lcd After Powerdown

    What is actually happening is that the capacitors which stabilize the voltage to the screen are slowly draining, so even when you power off, there is still some juice going to the LCD. The effevt should be more noticeable on overclocked units and units with fresh batteries. I believe there is...
  14. J

    Source Code, And Etc

    I want to see aalib. No particular reason. Maybe to see if ttyQuake would run.
  15. J

    GP32 M.e.s.s. On Gp32

    I once attempted a port of X-MAME/MESS to Dreamcast, and although I did not get far, I did learn a bit about how MAME works, and which pieces need to be ported for each platform. I was working with newer source code from around 0.68 and after reviewing the work Franxis has done it seems 0.34 is...
  16. J

    Gpmame Launcher

    Is it possible to integrate GPBIOS with Slubman and some others that provide individual components? I don't know. I've only known Slubman.
  17. J

    Serial Cables, Bluetooth, And Usb Host

    I've seen that Toys4Boys makes serial cables, Bluetooth adapters, and GPS receivers for the GP32. What I don't see is anyone mentioning using any of these for anything useful(except for DAQ of course). I don't recall where I read it, but I recall some mention about it being possible to operate...
  18. J

    Emu Interest Poll

    As good as DrMD is, there is always room for improvement. For example, if you play Ceasar's Palace and go straight to your favorite Roulette table, the sequence of numbers will always be the same. While it was kinda fun to bet $50,000.00 on a sure bet, it has made my favorite game the one I...
  19. J

    The Truth About The Pencil Trick

    I guess since I'm responsible for all this, I should comment on whether or not I think overclocking will shorten your GP32s life span. This discussion brings to mind Arthur Lydiard and Jim Fixx, both have been known as "The Man Who Invented Jogging". At the time of his death when he was only...
  20. J

    Rechargable Batteries

    Has anyone tried the brand they sell at Fryes? They come in a pack of 18 (I think) and they are purple in color. The price seems good to me, but I've found that some are better than others. For example, I get better performance out of Rayovac than I do out of Energizers.