Well, it all started with Bill Gates fighting Zombie Ninjas...
(middle of story cut to save space)
...and thus millions of lives were lost.
EDIT: Hey, ion! That's all wrong! Go back to 2nd grade and learn your history, pal!
There are no such things as open source Nanites! (everybody knows that they, by law, HAVE to be closed source)
However, the Pandora 4 will have cords that plug into your ears.
Screw the Pandora 2, I'm already pre-ordering the Pandora 3!
It will feature full 3D, a multi-touch screen and a CPU so powerful, it rivals the highest end computers possible (up until the year 2050)!
The resolution is a whopping 2050x1265!
And every Pandora will come with a free copy of...
My Requests:
The Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine
This is pretty much an open-source RPG Maker.
A port would allow dozens, nay, hundreds of RPGs to be played on the Pandora.
Syobon Action
A really hard Mario parody.
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