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    Was This Ahead Of Its Time Or What?

    no 1 bitches bout the nds coz its origanal :D + the psp is a monster
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    2 Things Sdio And Gba Emulation

    i have been reading up following links on the wiki and came across this page saying about the 2.4 & 2.6 linux kernals can use sdio it also sed stuff about the ARM chip, doesnt this mean that sdio could happen sooner than we think? also i wanted to ask if ne1 knew how fullspeed GBA emulation is...
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    Game Screen Size - Ntsc &pal

    australia uses pal to dont they or are they classed as asia and ntsc as well ossy gamers tell us :D
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    Gamboyadvance: Gp2xvba For Gp2x

    WARIO WARE !!!!!! yes i carnt wait :D
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    New Firmware?

    1.1.0 wow so there skiping 1.0.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 lol oh well thas cool i wanna know when itll b public :D
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    Won`t Start

    hay sorry people its just if his unit is already on the frizz then this could help, couldnt it???? sorry im a n00b
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    Mmc Cards

    thas ok mine is already updated to 1.0.1 i think :D i havent seen it yet as my gf got it for me for xmas and she wont let me see it lol
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    Mmc Cards

    no gp2x and i thourght the gp32 used smart media cards (SMCs) not multimedia cards (MMCs) i could be wrong though
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    Won`t Start

    y dont u try updating the firmware? could fix it, by the sounds of it you have nothing to loose :D give it a go
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    Mmc Cards

    hay people i have an mmc left over from my old ngage i also have a 64mb sandisk sd card, the mmc is a 128mb bytestor will these work or will i have to get a new sd (a sandisk ultra 2) after xmas? please reply soon thanx
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    Favourite Genesis Games?

    fav MD games are 1.s&k 2.sonic 3 3.collums 4.golden axe 5.streets of rage
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    New Firmware?

    i was reading the boards yesterday and people were talking about the korean site saying that there was going to be a new firmware? something like 1.0.2 can ne1 confurm this?
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    Sd Card Layout?

    cool thanx
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    Sd Card Layout?

    do i have to make specal directarys on my sd card or can i just put files and foulders anyware and call them nething?
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    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    just spoke to my gf she had an email off of gbax yay so i will have my gp2x for gp2xmas hehe sorry for the pun but yay !!!!
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    Gbax Emails Notifcation

    my gf orderd mine on the 29th nothing as yet :( carnt wait to c it hope it getts here soon my cd player has broken lol so i dont have ne portable music lol
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    Will Wifi Ever Happen?

    this all sounds cool does ne1 know of ne alturnitives to sdio, or how long till sdio is compatable, its just my freind has a psp and he is slaging off the gp2x because of its lack of wifi
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    Will Wifi Ever Happen?

    ok people i know sdio cards might work one day and as such would that mean that we could be surfing the net @ wireless hotspots from our beautiful gp2x's just wondering coz i know psp users can already do this out the box (mind you carnt use homebrew then, unless u use a homebrew brower,)...
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    Is Gp2x Compatible With Mmc?

    no they arnt there smaller than sd cards i have 1 left over from my n-gage btw and they can go up to 1gig or they could last time cheacked
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    Identifying Memory Card

    lol nice 1