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  1. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    Yeah, but I think developers will include multiplayer support if a link cable is released.
  2. C


    I just downloaded Vektar from the GP2X file achive and I love it but then I also noticed that there is a commercial version on this page: I downloaded the demo of the commercial version and it seems exactly the same as the one in the archive; so are there...
  3. C

    The New Squidgesnes

    Oh, k, now i get it, ty ^_^ Could you please fix the problems with the Donkey Kong series in the next release please? Thanks, and keepo up the good work ^_^
  4. C

    The New Squidgesnes

    Oh, k lol I have also noticed that when 'volume max' is displayed after turning up the volume, it is displayed in the middle of the screen and occasionally it dicides to stay there until u change ROM.
  5. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    im not good at any of that stuff, but who thinks they would be able? ; )
  6. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    oh, lol So does any1 know if a GP2X link cable exists?
  7. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    REALLY? where did u get it from? If link cable exist ill get my bro. to get a GP2X, itll be great to play SNES together ^_^
  8. C

    The New Squidgesnes

    Oh, k, ty. So would u recommending have it enabled/disabled? i dont really understand what it does : p
  9. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    I just noticed that there was one for the Gp32: will there be 1 like this for the GP2X?
  10. C

    The New Squidgesnes

    k, ty wil try ^_^ how do i overclock? Vould u pls also explain to me what the transhack option does?
  11. C

    The New Squidgesnes

    I really happy that there is a new release but i was hoping it would work better with the donkey kong series T_T Donkey Kong Country's speed is really erratic and Donkey Kong Country 2 level 2 doesn't work because the fog is black T_T Also could some1 pls explain to me what the new options is...
  12. C


    Oh yeah lol, god Im an idiot; thanks a lot ^_^ What did you think of it btw?
  13. C


    I have just finished reading this visual novel and it really is truely amazing, I highly recommend it, but I now wanna listen to the voiced version, but I cant seem to select it even when i press left, it wont let me select the voiced version, can some1 pls help me out?
  14. C

    Why Has My Topic Been Locked?

    Yeah thats why I tried VBX2 and that didnt anwser my question at all, so pls dont close down my topic next time just because you assumed I haven't done something when I had. More importantly, does any1 have any awnsers to my question? :P
  15. C

    Why Has My Topic Been Locked?

    I did try the search function first and I found out about the VBAX2 emulator and VBAX2-r emulator. But what I want to know is are they still being continued, or is anyone else starting a new one?
  16. C

    Gba Emulators

    No, to which question? lol
  17. C

    Gba Emulators

    I really want a GBA emulator, are then any out there which can play games with sound at normal fps? The one emulator I know about: VBAX2 hasn't had any work done on it since February, is this project still being continued? If so when will there be a stable release? If not are there any other GBA...
  18. C

    Ext Storage

    Thanks for the offer ^_^ Well it depends on how long it is until it comes out, if its only a coupld of weeks ill wait, but if its more than a couple of month then I would very much like to buy one from you, how much would it cost roughly, and what does it look like? Thanks a lot ^_^
  19. C

    Does Anyone Know Any Video Enconders Which R Sutible For The Gp2x?

    Does anyone know any video enconders which r sutible for the GP2X? Excluding PocketDivX which I cant get to work T_T
  20. C

    Ext Storage

    No, sorry I dont understand any of that, lol I just thought of something.. You sound like you have got one, if you made it could I please pay you to make me one, i would really appreciate it ^_^ Especially as that site is no longer selling them, or does any1 else know where to buy them?