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  1. C

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    *cries* what about the Donkey Kong Countries then?
  2. C

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Most off all the games I wanted to play worked last release but I was really hoping that the Donkey Kong Country series and the 2 Star Fox games would be playable this release, but no luck unfortunatly; I hope they are playable next release :D
  3. C

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Thanks, I saved the config and now my ROMS load, but the only problem now is that they don't seem to have any sound...
  4. C

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    I replaced the old .gpe with the new one and now I just get a white screen whenever I try and load a new ROM...
  5. C

    Vba2x-r Updated Again

    If its the same then what is the extra zipped folder for then?
  6. C

    New Vba2x-r

    Here is the link:,0,0,0,5,1304 I've tried it out but I couldn't getting it working, then again I have very little idea on how to do these sorts of things. Has anyone got it working because I would really like to know how it runs; Ive been waiting for...
  7. C

    Visual Novels

    Thanks for the link, but in the time between your reply I downloaded 'blade engine' and have started studying how to use that, so far its pretty good. I am currently searching for an artist to do the character art for me. If you can think of anyway to help me with my search (e.g. recommend a...
  8. C

    Visual Novels

    Wow, I checked out that site and thats where they come from. Out of the list from last year the ones which weren't ported were 'until we meet again', 'the poor little bird', 'i too saw dreams through the air' and 'io'. Why weren't these ported, did they suck? They look pretty good.... If...
  9. C

    Visual Novels

    The thing i most love about the Gp2X are the visual novels, I loved 'narcissu' and 'a midsummers renaissance' both the 'plainsongs (ulta)' where good. But can someone please recommend some more to me? preferably the same style as the ones above. thanks ^_^
  10. C


    Thanks, I think i found out the problem, I think 1 of the characters corrupted it, cause I now know the menus also wernt working as they should T_T ty for ur help ^_^ also r u saying that it doesn't have to be on the route of the SD card?
  11. C


    NO!!! I have been desperate to play ths for ages, does any1 have any idea why it freezes when i try to select a character?
  12. C

    Smashgp2x 0.1

    EDIT: I cant get it to work, it just shows a black screen with a wierd line at the top, what am i doing wrong? *FIXED IT* I now have another problem : p whenever I select a character it freezes T_T
  13. C


    EDIT: I cant get it to work, it just shows a black screen with a wierd line at the top, what am i doing wrong? *FIXED IT* I now have another problem : p whenever I select a character it freezes T_T
  14. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    Nah, thats way too big, need something more portable...
  15. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    Thats the spirit ^_^ Now all we need is some1 to build a cable :P
  16. C

    Linking Two Gp2xs Together

    All I really want is SNES multiplayer support :P That would rock to play multiplayer SNES with my bro. wherever we r.
  17. C


    Thanks for ur advice guys, and I think I would agree ^_^ The leap isn't big enough to be worth £17.99.
  18. C


    e.g.? lol I bascially wanna know if it differs enough to be worth £17.00
  19. C


    Yeah I tried the commercial demo, and it seemed exactly the same to me; you can use a shield in the freeware version (1.0)
  20. C


    Ok, thank you ^_^ if its a lot different I will definatly buy it, cause I love the freeware version so much ^_^ How do you know its different though, and do you know whats different?