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  1. D

    Wats All This Gp32 Internet Stuff?

    I hope that does come available to us soon. I'm curious how we would be able to type websites in. ^^^^ or use the mobile, key pad like texts??????? Can you not connect to the net via the pc link?????? If so I would love to play KOF91 over the net,sick! Deano
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    Kof91 V1.3

    Does this version supoprt Zip chars???? b4 i waste loads of linkage time :o) Also, if it does support zips, do i still have to create a folder for that char in the sprite folder??? Any help would be great as I dont have much linkage time today and want to show this beast of a game to all my...
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    Dungeon Quest (amiga)

    £20 to ANYONE who can point me towards a guide!!!! 100% genuine, as its driven the family crazy for years, thats mum dad me and my sister and about 20 friends we used to invite over to pick the text strings out of their head! Come on guys 1 of you must know Please..... deano
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    Her Khingts Demo Its Out

    you can dash all the way to the end of any stage in the game without being hit. ^^^^^ So what do you do when the hordes of zombies catch up with you????? I think you should play it on super hard if your that good, I love it all the way and somehow have this and little wizard in boxed english...
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    Crazy Idea, Since The Her Knights Demo Is Out...

    Little wizard slow WTF?????? Its slick on my GP (Bought version if that makes a difference) But Im gonna order all games that dont need text as I have Dungeon and guarder, her knights and little wizard dean
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    Mame Games

    mmmm Mame32 I love alien vs predator, knights of the round, king of the monsters series,RoboArmy. I could go on but the list is sooooo long.
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    What Do You Do For A Living

    R u trying to kill me Alpha, first you bring me the news of bloddy x, and then you tell me you've made an aliens wad (Fav films EVER)... WTF, I will check it out for you on my way home if you like... Although if you could post instructions on getting doom wads to work that would be great as I...
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    Dungeon Quest (amiga)

    Come on you oldies, help me out :o)
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    Blood Cross Full Version Out In May

    Dam firewalls! we have one and it can sometimes take me half hour to get on, just keep trying though! Youve made me wanna buy another game now :o) Whats Tomak like? Is it a crazy shooter???
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    What Do You Do For A Living

    I must have a magic key then :o)
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    Blood Cross Full Version Out In May

    ROBO: Deffinately get her knights, its bloddy amazing full stop! I love showing my fellow workers this and Dungeon and guarder when they ALL have GBAs lol. Its so good to tease people about what the GP can do and the GBA cant (without addons) lol Her knights, is a great scroller (Better than...
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    Blood Cross Full Version Out In May

    Stop will u guys, im at work itching to play it (Sod it, Im gonna upload it here and now) mwahahahahah Deano
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    Divx Audio Booster File Download Here!

    What do you mean when you say boost???? If it gets louder then you da man! Deano
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    Blood Cross Full Version Out In May

    wahhhhhhhh when lizard, are throws now working and can you play more than the one char????? will the full version still have the capture mode??? Thanks Deano
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    Dungeon Quest (amiga)

    Hi fellow Gpers, Did anyone own this text based game for the amiga... You will know the one if you typed "search" "Pick up rock" "throw rock at lever" If anyone, got past the dungeon (just after the ghosty woman with the rose) my family needs your help. We all sat around for hours trying to...
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    What Do You Do For A Living

    And the UK games industry sucks at the moment. ^^^^^^ Cant disagree more im afraid......... Im Dean, 21 and have worked on MS games. (Evaluation, functional and compliance testing) I currently work for Eidos testing all their games :o) I have been offered a job for THQ, (You guessed it...
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    Wondering About Accelerating Sideway-shooters

    Mmmmm turican 2 mmmmm I have this game on the amiga, (aswell as hundreds of others) If you dont mind waiting i will check out some titles tonight that are like turrican. I remember there being loads of turrican wannabes but cant remember there names for the life of me :o( Will update as soon...
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    Gp32 Is Pissing Me Off So Bad

    ^^^^^ I think he means the USB version not how many ports, Im gonna grab these linkers now (From the DL page i hope) And transfer a few movies.. Thanks Deano
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    Post Counts Disabled

    Cool, aslong as I can tell who has been around for a while (Can I just click there name and get joined date, posts etc)? Im sure I must know all the hardcore Gp users names by now??? Dean
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    Worth It?

    Ive encoded the whole of Full metal panic 24 episodes and all read play great (And I use Moviepark)! I have watched returner (Great Asian ET with bullet time, mmmm), Ghost in the shell (series) All of the above have been great quality and easily readable, like someone said above aslong as your...