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  1. D

    Favourite FF???

    xyo the ps2 does support anti aliasing upto 8 times I think its just the xbox runs at 16 Correct me if im wrong but they can both do it. Do you understand the principle of anti alisiang. Dodgy spellings i know,forgive english teachers! lol ;0) And if more developers could use the ps2s emotion...
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    6 gigs compressed down to 60mb???

    nice 1 for the links and info for 2 pass encoding... And darkgod I didnt intend this post as a brag but more of a "how do I do this" sorry if you felt that I was bragging probally my bad wording. But thankyou all for your info about ecoding, Darkgod: Sorry 1 more thing could You type a post...
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    Favourite FF???

    sorry 1 thing general!!! Never generalise fans of games m8 we r all different although the earlier FFs did rock! :o) Any of you Bahmut lagoon fans if not check it out!!!
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    Favourite FF???

    Have I played XBOX???? LOL NO, I just tested all the games for launch and have worked in the games industry for 2 years!!!!!! All I stated was: That FF10 (or X if someones gonna bitch about that) uses the PS2s power greater than most if not all games! Yes!! I know anything can play CGI but...
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    6 gigs compressed down to 60mb???

    Thanks RR4, that tutorial was like the one I used b4 to get my lovely settings....... But all the times given are a bit too long for my liking...... I mean the compression of returner only took me about an hour and half on a 2 ghz p4???? Maybe even less time???? I noticed that the tutorial u...
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    Favourite FF???

    FF7 all the way baby! 7 is the best 2 is nice too and Im hooked on 10 at the moment. I dont think 10 is overated though as it shows the PS2 at its finest and pisses all over ANY FMV on XBOX! These animators Rock! 7 got my vote though, however if the story unfolds like in 7 towardst the end I...
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    6 gigs compressed down to 60mb???

    I ripped the returner the other day (If u havent seen returner then do so its great) well anyway, I begun ripping by using lightning decrypter: this produced about 5 1.5 gig files or something then I ripped the sound file as a seperate....... right then I somehow used VDUB and made an 800MB...
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    Lame mp3 codec

    hey dozer :o) I think I had this prob too, B4 u select the audio compression select the audio coversion first. If we r on the same problem then this can help. ie: I went to compression and couldnt find the required varibles, so I went to conversion selected the MP3 codec and then when I...
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    checking avi file's

    I think there is an option in Virtual Dub that allows you to scan the integrity of the file....
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    Help me decide between GP32 and Zodiac

    Go with the GP32 m8, the NGAGE will receive loads of PS ports (trust me) which are ok to play if your willing to pay £229!!!! If they droppped the price to £100 then it would be sick C3
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    External Fragmentation and the SMC

    mmm I thought I was losing space. But sometimes (Ive only got 64mbs though) when I notice "lost" space I just whack the refresh key and its cool. If not then I just quit the linker and restart and the lost space is found? Very strange this :o(
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    If you really hate the loading times then turn limit speed to off. The games will load up quicker however some games run extremely fast so turn it off when its loaded. Anyone got a good quick link for attatching 3 disk images (Been giving be grief to get grand monster slam working) cheers c3
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    Genesis emu unstable?

    guys, could it be the ROM thats screwed?? have you tried others??? With this Emu I can Only run virtua fighter 2 and Tazmania? Any ideas as to why my others dont work: Dont work: Ecco Ecco 2 All versions of sonic Moonwalker goldenaxe I havent tried anymore so far but if these games will not...
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    how many movies?

    Also depends on your method of encoding. I have Ripped Tank police From DVD 2 episodes and compressed them down to 49MB. Bearing in mind that when the VOB files were ripped and the WAV was saved it was equal to about 2,5GB!!!! Also I can compress Full metal panic episodes (Great mecha anime...
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    GP32 Your skills and details please

    I certainley am serious normin (sorry if it's worng). Firstly guys I've been well distant for ages due to piles of games to test, going on holiday and turning 21 (Wahey) Also Xbox Live has been stealing my time, but the novelty is wearing of and with my new pc coming, I'm hungry to dev. So...
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    MAME or...?

    does the alien vs predator use that cps1 chip set or whateer it is? I love that game and I wouldn't care if I could only have a couple of games on my card well AvsP is only 11meg ish? Ohhh well I guess I have to wait and see, but I think I will be pleasently surprised. Just as I was to hear...
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    MoviePark - can't download it!

    hi m8, dont know if I buy the "im a journalist" bit. but Movieparks will not work if you hve it sent to you, trust me I tried. The program will run but it wont load any files! :( I think there is still a demo version available that will play the demo movies (FF10) from entware, so that would...
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    MP3 player problem

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    British Meet-up

    sorry welsh guys, but A, Wales sucks ass (most boring place I've ever been to) and B, ECTS is in london. So I'm in aggreement with London for a GP session but hey if people dont wanna travel then perhaps welsh guys should meet, then londoners meet and then we run comps against each other just...
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    Alternative to Moviepark

    It sounds to me as someone copied it. I tried to copy my moviepark to a m8s gp32 and the exact same thing happened. I know it's know help but it might put your mind at ease deano