Search results

  1. Orion_

    GP32 Seeking For A Talented Graphician [bombermanworld]

    Hi I'm seeking for a talented graphician who think he could remake the whole Bomberman World GP graphics :) cos actually I'm a little bit afraid of copyright and so on ... I could also make in the next package a GSK (gfx skin kit :D) with all bmp files and the converter to make the final...
  2. Orion_

    Will There Ever Be An N64 Emulator?

    mmmh, I gonna make a playstation emulator <_<
  3. Orion_

    New !!!! : Tomak Compo

    why always emulator ? always port ? why not original games ?
  4. Orion_

    Bomberman World Gp

    ho, you were in IRC when I released the pre-beta ? ^^ well, in this version, the only update are: less bug :) and a lot better AI. (the AI of the prebeta were ... <_<)
  5. Orion_

    Bomberman World Gp

    you're right, I will correct this in the next version. this is still a beta :) hehe, buy me 2 RF Link and another GP32 and I promise you to see what I can do for it. ;)
  6. Orion_

    Bomberman World Gp

    the first public beta is now available ! :) check it out: on my website :)
  7. Orion_

    Gbax Coding Competition

    why, always, emulator, port, emulator, port, emulator, port, emulator, port, emulator, port, emulator, port, ........ ?
  8. Orion_

    GP32 MP3 and Image libraries for GP32

    omg ! Rattboi > thanks for posting this link, I finaly found what I requested for month, gp32 usb code from PC-side :)
  9. Orion_

    GP32 Running an FXE

    LOL :lol: woogal > thanks, I'm going to test that
  10. Orion_

    GP32 Running an FXE

    How to run an FXE from a memory location on GP32 ? (not with BIOS selector, but with code :D)
  11. Orion_


    it use opengl ...
  12. Orion_

    Update on 3D Engine

    new video available on GP32News :)
  13. Orion_

    GP32 MP3 or OGG low bitrate player library for dev

    would it be possible for a brilliant talented coder to make a MP3 or better OGG player easy to use library ? because the only 2 choices for the moment to include sound are: MOD :( (cool sometimes but only 4channels), and WAV (big memory space and low quality) For other coder, I think 45 or less...
  14. Orion_

    GP32 USB communication with GP32 (PC side)

    !up =) I tried GDB with the GDB Windows server of rattboi, It work well for the connection but anytime I try to use a gdb command, the gp32 reset and I lost connection :( please rattboi can you post a simple example just to send/receive data to/from gp32 ?
  15. Orion_

    GP32 Fade ins

    my slow 16/8bits fadein: (myscreen is the current screen pointer, (i.e: gpDraw.ptbuffer)) void Fade16bIn(u16 *image) {  u32 i;  u16 pix,pixel,addP;  u8  r,g,b,j; for(j=0;j<32;j++) {  for(i=0;i<320*240;i++)  // optimised(?) :-/ 16/8Bits Fade  {    addP=0;    pixel=image[i];   // prend...
  16. Orion_

    GP32 USB communication with GP32 (PC side)

    it would be very cool, What is the address of your Web site?
  17. Orion_

    avi to gpm

    gpm is required for the movie park released in GPManager (korean preview ?) but there is no converter :(
  18. Orion_

    GP32 USB communication with GP32 (PC side)

    Don Miguel > have you a simple code example to use it ? I search on msdn but didn't find anything :(
  19. Orion_

    GP32 USB communication with GP32 (PC side)

    Hi :) I want to try to make an utility to communicate with the GP32, just to send some data through the usb port and receive it from the GP. to make a console like, console on GP, and keyboard on PC :) transfering data, like image, or 3D object and watching it instantaneously on the GP screen...