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  1. P

    Ideas For The Second Edition?

    There isn't going to be any second edition of the gp2x for at least 1 or 2 years. It's financial suicide. Does a company really want a few thousand unit being sent back to them? Fuck no. If you mean the successor to the "first edition". The Hardware is set in stone. There will be no changes.
  2. P

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    I....I am....This is awesome. This is fantastic thanks for your work. EDIT: That guys an asshole and a fool,
  3. P

    Gp2x Emulators: Are They Buggy?

    Snes Emu crashes when you don't have sound on. Which makes me a sad panda.
  4. P

    Mame Gp2x 1.0 Ho Ho Ho !!!

    Yikes I didn't even know this was out till it was on the front page just now.
  5. P

    Duke Nukem 3d Con Files

    Could someone do me a big oll favour and upload the Duke nukem 3d con files from the atomic version. I don't have the atomic version and the enemies are all floaty like.
  6. P

    Program And Emulater's Source Problem

    And it also works on the flip side, Some nice stuff could be developed for it that we could use.
  7. P

    Gp2x's Joystick

    One on the biggest annoyances to me is the toughness to get and actual direction instead of diagonals, It makes arcade came so much harder, and doing simple stuff like down+right+punch unnessisarily hard.
  8. P

    Problems With Mp3s In Neogp2x

    I tried Metal Slug 1, the mp3 worked fine.
  9. P

    Wired Magazine Full Page About Gp2x Issue Jan 2006

    A quick google says that crazy kart is a pocket pc game. Looks like it could be good.
  10. P

    Problems With Mp3s In Neogp2x

    Mp3 won't play on the games, I'm baffled. I've it set up as /roms/King of fighters '98/ And in there is King of fighters ' And the folder neocd.mp3 Which contains King of Fighters '98 02.mp3, King of Fighters '98 03.mp3, etc Any Ideas on whats going wrong?
  11. P

    Snes Emu - Probs With Every Game

    Mine works for about half a minute and crashes, It sucks.
  12. P

    Tv Out Only For Videos!!!! :(

    They should look pretty much like they did on the original console. Cause it's a native resolution. Don't worry it'll look fine.
  13. P

    Tv Out Only For Videos!!!! :(

    Neat. Whats it like?
  14. P

    Tv Out Only For Videos!!!! :(, It's not confirmed. No one has the tv cable yet It's an early firmware release. No offical product has been released yet.
  15. P

    Firmware 1.1.0 Released On Korean Page

    I'm so sorry craig... I updated... And it was a complete success!! I'm reloading all my stuff back to the sd now to try it out. P.S, do I have to reload the SDLs?
  16. P

    Gp2x - Basic Info Faq

    Sorry and hello but, how the heck do I get NCD roms running on this thing? I just got it today and don't have a clue!
  17. P

    Gp2x Second Batch Shipped Today? (gbax)

    Sweet. Ordered 30th of Nov, no comfirmation email yet but hopefully soon.
  18. P

    Gameboy Advance Emulator.

    THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT EMULATORS!!! It only gets illegal if you start charging for them.
  19. P

    Gameboy Advance Emulator.

    Don't be silly. Theres still alot of GBA games that aren't ports that I'd like to play on the gp2x.
  20. P

    Who Wants To Connect A Snes Controler To The Gp2x

    Hey is the EXT port in the GP2x the same as the GP32?