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  1. R

    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    I thought the gp2x has a voltage regulator, making the voltage always correct (within reason, its not going to fix 120volts).
  2. R

    Getting A Port Of Zelda Classic

    SWEET! Not like I really need one from you, but source?
  3. R


    How do you focus that close? *holds piece of paper to face* I don't get it.
  4. R

    Replacement Caps Now Available

    I thought it was the same size as DaveC's cap, and the bigness of it helped with the deadzone. Is this bigger then Daves?
  5. R

    Gp2x New Manual Online

    Where the heck is the manual anyway? All I get is a picture of what looks like the cover art to the manual.
  6. R

    Main Mac Os X Problems Solved

    How you you write .gpe scripts on a mac? I REALLY need to know, this is driving me insane.
  7. R

    Getting Lcd Tweak Pic Into Nand 2.0

    ^Thats how I assumed it was done, just never really got around to doing it.
  8. R

    Replacement Caps Now Available

    Great news, look forward to buying one soon. I can't play with this old cap.
  9. R

    Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread

    Just look on the back of your games CD case. :P
  10. R

    Replacement Caps Now Available

    Does anyone have any more impressions like this? I would really enjoy to know the victor.
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    Main Mac Os X Problems Solved

    As far as I know you need FAT32 for updating firmware, and can use 16 for files.
  12. R

    Step2x 0.2

    PLEASE can we have MP3 in the next release? 96% of my files are in MP3.
  13. R

    Tv Out Cable Problems, Exclusive To First Edition?

    All the new TV-out cables work, like as of late January so you should be fine. I had one from Decemeber and it would just flicker in and out but the new one I got works just fine. They GP32z replaced it for free and I still have the old cable, which must be good for something.
  14. R

    Gp2psx V0.36

    I would too like to know how far down the road this this. Now where the heck is my perfect NES and SNES emulator? The PS emulator is going to beat them. :lol:
  15. R

    Please Port A Better Nes Emulator

    I suppose I could find out how to make a script and overclock but really that should not be necissary for an NES emulator. I would expect to be able to under clock to 133-166mhz on NES. Not that I am bashing fishy NES, just that it is a little to early in the dev cycle for me to truly enjoy.
  16. R

    Lots Of Problems With My Gp2x, Please Help!

    If you are using normal batteries then that is your problem or maybe your charger is bad or your batteries have been through way to many charge cycles. OR but HIGHLY unlikely, your gp2x is just broken, but I would not point that finger just yet.
  17. R

    Gp2psx V0.36

    Hopefully this emu can get good enough I can finally tolerate to pass the FF 7-9, they just burn my eyes way too much on my tv. I am sure it looks kick ass on the gp2x. Well as good as psx can look.
  18. R

    Whats The Difference Between The Screens?

    You do, just be glad you are blessed with poor eyes. :P I don't mind the screen change as much as I mind the joystick rotation change.
  19. R

    Gp2x Mk2 Or Nintendo Ds Lite?

    Well with the mk2's joystick you should be fine. But I really like my old DS, and being that the new DS lite is comming out for $130 I would highly recomned it. I guess I have both so I have the best of both worlds.
  20. R

    The Dumpgfx Of New Gngeo Not Work

    I tried to run KOF 2000 and it just went to a black screen and quit to the MAIN gp2x menu. I thought that was supposed to work in this version.