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  1. M

    Release Zim - The Desktop Wiki

    Great tool so far! But please do also check your "Categories" in your PXML-File. In the XFCE-Menu it shows up as "Games/Action"...
  2. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    GCalc is a Java-based calculator. I've packaged the native GNOME-Calculator. But this will also be already included in HF5, so i didn't upload it to the archive. :) Thank you for adding them to the wiki!
  3. M

    Release Hotfix 5 - RC2. Last one before going final

    Can't confirm that. My HF5 RC2 is booting fine from an ext2-formatted card. Did you flag your ext2-partition as bootable? I did, but i'm not sure, if that makes the difference... EDIT: i've downloaded this file and extracted it to my sd-card...
  4. M

    Release CMUS (command line music player)

    Great! Thank you!
  5. M

    Release Lynx 0.8.7

    Indeed. That is where "Links2" shines: it has 'g' for 'goto' and you can even use your mouse/stylus to click on links. :) But Lynx is Lynx and always will be (i hope so). It was my first browser and i immediately fell in love with it...
  6. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    I've also tried it now with HF5 RC2, and despite this funny messages regarding the dbus/terminal in the pndrun_mutt.out-file it worked flawlessly.
  7. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Thanks for the report! I tried it on HF5 RC1 (my dev-system is on RC1) and it worked; haven't tried it on RC2 yet. Does the terminal-window not open at all, even when you start a Terminal from the XFCE-menu? Maybe a firmware-guru could bring in some light here...
  8. M

    Release Lynx 0.8.7

    No Problem. I'm glad, that i could help you and that i'm not the only one who likes text-based Programs! :) Thank you! It's working great!
  9. M

    Mutt, Links2 und gCalctool

    Dann guck Dir "mutt" lieber gar nicht erst an... ;)
  10. M

    Pygame Framerates and HWSURFACE?

    On my Pandora with HF4 installed, it says: <VideoInfo(hw = 0, wm = 1,video_mem = 0 blit_hw = 0, blit_hw_CC = 0, blit_hw_A = 0, blit_sw = 0, blit_sw_CC = 0, blit_sw_A = 0, bitsize = 16, bytesize = 2, masks = (63488, 2016, 31, 0), shifts = (11, 5, 0, 0)...
  11. M

    Release Lynx Browser

    Maybe i can provide help here. I've packaged mutt (text-based email-Reader) as PND and also have to open a Terminal to launch it. Here's a snippet from my (which gets called from the pxml-file): echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/muttenv echo "export MUTT_PATH=/mnt/pnd/mutt" >>...
  12. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Phew - glad to hear that! Thanks again for your help and reports! I'll give it a shot! Lynx would also be awesome to have as PND...
  13. M

    Mutt, Links2 und gCalctool

    Diese beiden PNDs wurden komplett neu gebaut und enthalten nun alle notwendigen Libraries. Man(n) sollte halt kein dev-System verwenden, wo schon vieles "von Hand" installiert wurde... :O
  14. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Thank you very much! I've reset my dev-system, rebuilt the mutt and links2-PNDs from scratch and now everything needed is included. Really. Should have done that before releasing the PNDs, i guess... :blink:
  15. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Thank you for this report! I've uploaded a new .PND including the missing lib. Seems it was not put into the .PND because it was already installed on my system and satisfied the dependencies. :-\ Could you please try it again and report back? Thank you!
  16. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    *argh* :)
  17. M

    Mutt, Links2 und gCalctool

    Ich habe die Downloads sowohl auf der Pandora als auch unter Debian Squeeze (Windows benutze ich nicht) ausprobiert; es gab keine Probleme. Wie auch, es handelt sich lediglich um eine ganz normale HTTP-Übertragung. Insofern muss ich schnatterplatsch zustimmen: das von Dir geschilderte klingt...
  18. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Which HF are you using? I'm still on 4. Could you please post the file /tmp/pndrunmutt.out? Maybe I forgot to include a lib?!
  19. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    Hello there, i've converted three Applications from the Angstrom-Repository to .PND: Mutt - very good text-based eMail-Reader, incl. esmtp-binary for direct SMTP-Delivery and Example-Config. Links2 - very fast text-based Browser, shows also Graphics gCalctool - the Calculator from GNOME...
  20. M

    Mutt, Links2 und gCalctool

    Hat sonst noch jemand damit Probleme? Falls ja, habe ich evtl. vergessen eine benötigte Lib mit in die PND zu packen. Kannst Du mir bitte mal die Datei /tmp/pndrunlinks_run.out zukommen lassen? Danke!