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  1. M

    Release Jagged Alliance 2 beta!

    Great stuff, thank you! Will try this out soon!
  2. M

    Porting a CLI game.

    Try calling "terminal --help" from the command-line to see all available options. There's an option to hide the menu-bar aswell ("--hide-menubar").
  3. M

    Release FreeCol 0.9.5

    The logfile doesn't give me any clear insight here. But if also the 128MB-limited version is crashing, i bet it's nothing memory-related. Does anybody else see this behaviour? I believe you'll have to use the "spoiler"-tags.
  4. M

    Release FreeCol 0.9.5

    It exists only as long as the PND is running. So after it bails out, you have to mount the pnd-file "by hand" first to get it back. See this thread on gp32x from Gruso on how to do it. Could be possible, but the "System Requirements" in the FreeCol-Doc. mention only "128MB RAM" as a "must...
  5. M

    Release FreeCol 0.9.5

    When do you get this? Every time you start it, or after a period of playing? I played it for more than one hour, without any crash. On the next start, it crashed after ca. 1/2 hour. On the first look it seems to be something Java/OpenJDK-related, not much i can do here. :-( From the...
  6. M

    Release FreeCol 0.9.5

    Damn typo! Thanks! :)
  7. M

    Release FreeCol 0.9.5

    FreeCol 0.9.5 is now available for Pandora. Download You'll need WizardStans Java. It will overclock to 700 MHz - but to be honest, o'clocking more makes sense here...
  8. M

    Release GanttProject 2.0.10

    GanttProject 2.0.10 is now available for Pandora. Download You'll need WizardStans Java.
  9. M

    FreeCol 0.9.5

    FreeCol 0.9.5 ist nun für die Pandora verfügbar. Download Es wird Java benötigt. Zum Spielen wird standardmäßig auf 700 MHz übertaktet, aber mehr kann auch nicht schaden... :-)
  10. M

    GanttProject 2.0.10

    GanttProject 2.0.10 ist nun für die Pandora verfügbar. Download Es wird Java benötigt.
  11. M

    HTML and/or Java IDE

    For HTML-Editing i can also recommend Bluefish.
  12. M

    Arch Linux auf der Pandora

    Argh, danke! Auf die Idee bin ich nicht gekommen... :-) Genau so habe ich's auch gelöst. Hast Du eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte? Ich vermute eine Kernel-Einstellung wie APM/ACPI/etc. (falls es sowas bei der ARM-Architektur gibt)?
  13. M

    Arch Linux auf der Pandora

    Wahnsinn, wie schnell das System bootet und im graphischen Modus ist! Leider gibt es noch ein paar kleine Schwierigkeiten: die Shift-Taste scheint keine Funktion zu haben (weder im user/root-Terminal, noch im dmenu), und ein "halt" oder "poweroff" fährt das System zwar ordnungsgemäß herunter...
  14. M

    Pandora .pnd with installer, using gksudo, sometimes not working

    Strange behaviour. Maybe invoke gksudo with the "--debug"-option, and see if it prints some helpful messages?
  15. M

    Arch Linux auf der Pandora

    Wow, danke! Freue mich schon darauf, dies auszuprobieren.
  16. M

    ein altes X11-Game ...

    Schön! :-)
  17. M

    ALLE Einstellungen sichern und wiederherstellen?

    Ich empfehle GRsync.
  18. M

    [Request] RadioTimeToGo

    There are a lot of media-players on the Pandora able to play from streams (eg. "audacious"). But having a standalone-application for streams like "streamtuner" would be very nice... :)
  19. M

    Release Mutt, Links2 and gCalctool

    If you take a look into your home-directory, there is a "hidden" file named .pndXmodmap. Take a peek at it, and you'll see keycodes and symbols. I'm shortening that a bit now, because keyboard-handling in x11 is sadly very complicated (more detailed informations about that can be found eg...
  20. M

    What is the equivalent of rc.local in OP's OS ?

    You can also use (as root or use sudo) update-rc.d instead, it will do all the link-magic for you. Description and Examples