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  1. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    If you got music that should work in adplug (preferably tested it on your pc with adplug) mail me the songs on micketeer at gmail dot com Also give the new extensive playlist editing abilities a good run as well, if you find any bugs or you find something that works awkwardly just tell me and...
  2. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    Ack! Sorry, i thought i double checked but you are absolutely right, i managed to lose the actual oldplay in the zip! To make it up for you, here have version 0.995 CHANGELOG: VERSION 0.995 Noticeable changes * Support for track length in all playlist formats * Support for specifik subtunes in...
  3. M

    GP2X Ftp->sd Card Needs Chmod +x

    I use FAT and i need to set permission. I guess it sets a+x when it remounts, but that is rather tedious. I wrote a scriptfile myself that runs chmod a+x program followed by ./program to speed up developement time.
  4. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    Well that what happens automaticly. But modplug can't play certain s3m files, those meant for adplug, and the other way around as well. And modplug doesn't even complain, it just plays silence for the whole track length.
  5. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    Why.. it's right there in the original post.. I forgot about it when i first posted but i edited it right away. QUOTE EDIT: Perhaps i should include the url as well sleep.gif This post has been edited by Micket: Yesterday, 02:12 AM EDIT: And for the next...
  6. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    First; the archive isn't updated, there is a link in this thread to 0.99. Im not sure why it's not working in firmware 3 and gmenu2x. I always use gmenu2x on firmware 2.1 and that works fine. Can anyone else confirm this as a bug? Especially by running it through telnet and check the stderr.
  7. M

    Oldplay 0.99

    Well I think I've done enough to call this the next release. VERSION 0.99a Noticeable changes * Seeking (only forward) in GameCube music * Increased samplerate for Game Music emulator * Had to increase clock frequency for sega music becuase of that * Made use of the whole "LED"-display, showing...
  8. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    Currently the changelog contains VERSION 0.99a Noticeable changes * Seeking (only forward) in GameCube music * Increased samplerate for Game Music emulator * Had to increase clock frequency for sega music becuase of that * Made use of the whole "LED"-display, showing MHz in it (scale 250 to 0) *...
  9. M

    Gamepark Files Bankruptcy

    This is the most hilarious post ever. I'm still laughing :lol: And i think we should keep feeding them. It's funnier that way.
  10. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    Sorry about the downtime. My site has DNS-problems now and then. Anyway, i just updated oldplay the other day, fixing some stuff in the gamecube plugin, so they should be working flawlessly now. (as far as in_cube handles them) I looked for pt3/stc. Could barely find any information regarding...
  11. M


    $20 to zodttd for the GBA emulator
  12. M

    8gb Sd Cards Suported?

    With Open2X what other improvements upon the official firmware? Like reduced boot time?
  13. M

    Gpsp2x Goes Public With V9008!

    This is great stuff. Gotta donate some
  14. M

    Potential Buyer

    Who cares about mp3 and ogg? nsf, spc, vgz, gym, kss, hes, sap, xm, mod, sid, stm, okt, far and a shitload more. Now thats the shit!
  15. M

    GP2X Work!

    I used to work as a painter (did for a few years) but now I'm studying mechanical engineering spiced up with some extra courses in mathematics and programming. I have a few extra jobs tutoring in mathematics, programming and mechanics at my school (takes up ~17 hours a week)
  16. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    Thats good. I doubt you'll have it working with your player though I didn't do many tests actually. Feel free to mail one that doesn't play properly (preferably small, but size isn't really an issue for my connection) to my gmail (micketeer)
  17. M

    Slow Start From Menu

    Go in through telnet, kill the menu, start it again and open the file through your gp2x. That way you should be able to see some output on whats actually happening. That could maybe help you find the problem.
  18. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    PokeParadox Yeah i'm still here. Just a bit busy with school. I take it you haven't based it around the changes i made to the wrapper files? I made quite extensive changes to what i think was a better and much faster way to handle things. (Mainly changing from keeping track of time i...
  19. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    OldPlay was asking for an amount of bytes, not samples, so i simply had to divide and mutliply by 2 :/
  20. M

    Oldplay V0.97

    xdreamer, why.. with a nice big "thanks" of course :) Ok since i finally fixed GameCube music now I think it's due for another update. For you who are currently using 0.98a the biggest update are the fact that GameCube music is now working as well as a save browser that lets you save playlists...