Search results

  1. lennaick

    Poll: Name of the successor (Reboot)

    Or vote for both (like me) But my favorite is «Pyra» because the spelling is much easier. And «Pyrates comunity» is quite funny :)
  2. lennaick

    Port Requests

    I've found a nice game could 'it be possble to port this game on Pandora ? The sources here :
  3. lennaick

    Trying to find a fair solution

    In the survey I had opted for 150€ for upgrade. Then, I have change my mind and with some effort ($$), today (10/12/2013 15:02:31) I succed to cross-upgrade to 1Ghz pandora. Now I'm waiting a little but more to start playing with it :)
  4. lennaick

    Global Components did it again :)

    635€ preorder + upgrade is quite expensive for me. I really do like this projet and I support it as much as I can, but that to much money so I just have to sit and wait for my little 600mhz Pandy
  5. lennaick

    Classic, non-upgraded preorders / Current status page?

    1 june > 19 july => 49 day 49 / 7 = 7 week 7 * 150 = 1050 Pandora ... Where are our Pandoras ?
  6. lennaick

    Test-Run of the 1GHz Pandoras happens today (2012-07-05)

    GO ahead maybe hollywood will make a movie of the Pandora :P
  7. lennaick

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    I want that mail too... I'll go in holidays once again with no pandora in my backpack ... Shit!
  8. lennaick

    (MàJ2) Le fichage de 45 millions d'honnêtes gens a été voté via @pcinpact...

    (MàJ2) Le fichage de 45 millions d'honnêtes gens a été voté via @pcinpact #EnChineIlLonBienFait #MadeInFrance
  9. lennaick

    Geektionnerd : MegaUpload fermé ! - Framablog -

    Geektionnerd : MegaUpload fermé ! - Framablog -
  10. lennaick

    Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)

    Perfect ! Thank :)
  11. lennaick

    Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)

    Hello, Sorry if the question has been answered already... I already have a paid preorder since fev 2010, should I have to pre-order again ? Or it is OK and I have nothing to do ? Thank !
  12. lennaick

    Car Fires?

    Give me the brand of this car in order to never bought one by mistake! Bad news for the tracking number :/
  13. lennaick

    A summary of the last few weeks (2011-05-26)

    I lold ^^ Thank for this update !
  14. lennaick

    New cables, more boards (2011-04-15)

    We've got a new volcano in Island (no joke) : Now...
  15. lennaick

    People are watching us...

    Does Switchblade open-source => No. Does Switchblade run Linux out of the box => No Does Switchblade have nubs => No Does Switchblade have 2 years delay => Not yet, but we can help then :D Does Switchblade powerd by an ARM proc => No Does Switchblade have 10-14 hours battery life =>...
  16. lennaick

    PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

    That's a really good news ! How many pandora must be produced in order to complet the first batch ?
  17. lennaick

    What app / game do you want to see? :)

    I would like to see Vendetta-Online; I wonder if playing with nubs is possible or not !
  18. lennaick

    DO NOT have Your Pandora yet? Tell Us Your Order Date!

    Is there an error. I've ordered my pandora on : Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 16:46:37 +0000 I really don't know we're I'm in the queue....
  19. lennaick

    Supplementary Quickstart Guide?

    The quickstart is available on the wiki. It look like up to date for me. Maybe translated quickstart might be usefull for some people ?
  20. lennaick

    Re: New Dedicated Pandora Forums

    And check out the last post from "Clare" : It seem to me that, the responssability are on both side.