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  1. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    I managed to boot tiny core linux (12 Mb) several times but when I re-select the iso, it stops working completely and have to reboot the pandora to get it working again... gonna try slitaz next to see if I get somewhere... All the 400+ mb images won't even mount on the pandora... so far it's...
  2. T

    Vertical white stripes fading into white

    does it act strange when you tilt the lid? wanna make sure its not a hardware problem...
  3. T

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    +1 on that ^^
  4. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    tried both ways... didn't work...
  5. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    hmm... looks like its a hit and miss on my side... In my laptop, it gave me an error saying that delayed write failed and when I reconnected the pandora, it reports it as a malfunctioned device... Something up with the USB driver on the pandora's side?
  6. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    so far, I am able to copy all the files in the iso without any issues but still no dice as a bootable device...
  7. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    no, right when I plugged it in the laptop. scratch that, it worked :D
  8. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    problem I'm having is that my computer reports the pandora as a malfunctioned device for some reason... same with SD-mass storage mode...
  9. T

    Release ISO Optical Drive

    downloading now :D
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    Release CPU stress test

    One thing I did notice is the pandora getting rather hot in the area between the nubs. :unsure: Anyone else getting that?
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    Possible RMA - grey lines on screen and won't boot

    I have a feeling that the board gave away... My suggestion would be to RMA it.
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    Release CPU stress test

    final number is 967Mhz
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    Release CPU stress test

    mine maxes out at 987 :D EDIT: hmm... down to 980... still rather high for a 256Mb panda
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    [solved] How to forget a wireless network?

    Right click on your wireless icon and hit edit connections. From there hit the wireless tab, it should give you a list of the saved wireless networks so you can edit and delete them.
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    1st charge of 1ghz unit, won't go over 86%

    If I'm not mistaken, the pandora has a safety feature so that the battery doesn't overcharge and damage itself. since you left it for 4 or 5 hours, the battery must've reached its 100% and is discharging as if it was disconnected (I think it starts to charge again once it hits 80%.) just...
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    Release SuperZaxxon v1.51 released!

    it does, I've done it countless times...
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    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    how is the GLES plugin coming along so far? any improvements in this release?
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    Pandora tv-out review

    trial and error my friend, all you need is patience :P
  19. T

    Pandora tv-out review

    looking forward to seeing how well tv-out performs on the panda :D
  20. T

    Is OSX trough qemu possible?

    goodness knows when P2 will come up but it will sure be up to par with future tech.