I managed to boot tiny core linux (12 Mb) several times but when I re-select the iso, it stops working completely and have to reboot the pandora to get it working again... gonna try slitaz next to see if I get somewhere...
All the 400+ mb images won't even mount on the pandora... so far it's...
hmm... looks like its a hit and miss on my side...
In my laptop, it gave me an error saying that delayed write failed and when I reconnected the pandora, it reports it as a malfunctioned device...
Something up with the USB driver on the pandora's side?
Right click on your wireless icon and hit edit connections. From there hit the wireless tab, it should give you a list of the saved wireless networks so you can edit and delete them.
If I'm not mistaken, the pandora has a safety feature so that the battery doesn't overcharge and damage itself.
since you left it for 4 or 5 hours, the battery must've reached its 100% and is discharging as if it was disconnected (I think it starts to charge again once it hits 80%.) just...
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