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    Best Mame Emu???

    Whgats the best mame emu that can play street fighter zero and cadillac &dinosaurs?
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    Street Fighter Alpha 2 Snes???

    :unsure: same to me!theres no way to paly it with graphic?
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    Street Fighter Alpha 2 Snes???

    IS there a way to play the street fighter alpha 2 snes rom on our gp32?On mine it goes (on osxgp0.3) but with a bad graphic!I can see a the screens by coloured points!!!WHY???? :blink:
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    Star Ocean And Tales Of Phantasia

    so someone plase can make it??? Ha, is there a way to play the street fihter alpha 2 snes rom on our gp32?On mine it play but with a point graphic!
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    Star Ocean And Tales Of Phantasia

    is there a way to play these games on our gp32 even on 0sxgp02 03 or snes9xgp97f
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    Drmd - Genesis Emulator

    does story of thor works witha that emulator????? Please let me know
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    Tales Of Phantasia...

    there is so, no way to rip down...maybe the music out of that tales of phantasia or to compress the rom internal (not with zip) so that it will size less than 4 mb???Is there some1 who can do it?
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    Tales Of Phantasia...

    Hey, is there anybody that can ripdown that beautiful snes rpg rom to fit the 4 mb size limit of opensnes?????
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    Bor Mod Rip Down???

    ....thats the probl...
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    After The New Aquafish Firmware Installation.....

    heyuse pacrom!!! 1) launch pacrom 2) launch link mode 3) then attack the usb cable to your gp32 4) open pclink!!!!
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    Aquafish Multifirmware....boot???

    :D :D :D thanks anyway....i just got it!!!
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    Aquafish Multifirmware....boot???

    ok, i hold select and now there is the boot....!But how to let it appear without holding select?
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    Bor Mod Rip Down???

    Yeah...please someone can make a rip down of all these bor mod so to make them large only 5 mb more or less??
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    Aquafish Multifirmware....boot???

    Hey guys....after an off/on sequence on my gp32....i was not be able to boot with the aquafish zodiac like boot selector...while now it boot directly with pacrom!!! How can i resume the boot zodiac like selector?? Ive just tried a few time to reflash and restarted bconf.fxe a few timne....but on...
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    Final Fantasy 6

    hey aldur please tell me about that speed increase option with the opensnes 0.3! Im just finishing ff6 on opensnes 0.2 wiht frameskip 3 and no sound....let me know
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    ..dual!? Papaya Paradise..demo Play..

    thats a good one
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    Spray Paint Gp32...!

    so...whats that plastikote?
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    Spray Paint Gp32...!

    ok, i already wathced at that, but what kind of colour
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    :D :D :D yes with the sun you can make all!!!!!!!! gp32_console