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  1. D

    Chatboards Cable???

    Hey...i have the ericsson chatboard that needs...but i dont know where to find the ext in (for the gp32) and the in for he chatboard...!Any help^? Can i buy them from electronic shops?
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    Gp32 Linux???

    i need a guide to let linux works on gp32 and to let the usb drivers works!
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    Gp32 Linux???

    please...someone can make a step by step tutorial to use gplinux, to let use that very cool usb adaptor with 5v power and to make all work good??????SO that we can now use all the usb thingz we had!!!!!'PLEASEEEEEEEE
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    please...someone can make a step by step tutorial to use gplinux, to make that very cool usb adaptor with 5v power and to make all work good??????'PLEASEEEEEEEE
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    Final Fantasy 6

    what the hell with that??? Now i must play final fantasy on opensnes0.2 and supermetroid on opensnes0.3! What boring... :unsure: !!!
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    Final Fantasy 6

    Yeah...i wanted to play final fantasy 6 (final fantasy 3) on my gp32 with opensnes0.3 but its very very very very slow? How does it runs on your gp32??? Its unbelieveble that it runs so slow! Even chrono trigger on 166 mhz with no sound and 1 frameskip runs perfect!!!Please Help!
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    Os9xgp-0.3beta Is Out!

    thats good! Now speed is increased and most games run full speed on 166 mhz, frameskip 0/1 and sound off!!! Well done yoyofr!
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    Flu Problems

    ....helppppppp............i see nothing.........its all batteries go downnnnnnn......nooooooooo! :D :D
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    yeah....feel like noone look to his beautiful gp32! B) gp32_console
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    Can We Use .srm Sav With Fgen And Opensnes0.3

    i tried a .srm savestate of chrono trigger by zophar on my opensnes0.2 and 0.3 and it works! When it load the rom and i put start it show me the savestates on the srm!!! It works!
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    Os9xgp-0.3beta Is Out!

    hey lizard808uk: what do you mean for transparency hack number 4? You can view the text and the backgroiund and characthers too? I thinks thats impossible...! I can switch to off the bg3 on that 0.3 release and on the 0.2 release and i can view only the text and a black background!Let me know
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    Another GP32 Magazine italian...but if you want i can give you my hand in review of snes and genesis roms and gp32 games! :P
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    Znes Savestate Compatible With Os9xgp Savestate!!!

    Yes i tried them and they works. I tried chrono trigger savestate.srm and i put it on my snes folder on my smc and playing with os9xgp for my gp32 i can choose the savestate!!!!
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    Chrono Trigger Savestate....please Help Me!!

    so, definitively...they works or they dont works? In the case they a tools to convert them in os9xgp compatible savestate?
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    Chrono Trigger Savestate....please Help Me!!

    but did they (the savestates on zophar) works with opensnes0.2 of our gp32?
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    Ripdown Snes Roms there a way to play tales of phantasia which is...about 4.75 mb? Ahhh...please help me with chrono trigger savestate!Please read in that "i need help" forum my thread on the chrono trigger savestate if someone can help me! :unsure: :unsure:
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    Ripdown Snes Roms

    there is a tool to remove some music from the roms as hando gently said? So there will be a way to play star ocean too!
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    Chrono Trigger Savestate....please Help Me!!

    but...ehm...i already formatted my smc and on it there is nothing now...and im just reistalling all!
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    Chrono Trigger Savestate....please Help Me!!

    i my smc for error...and i was playing crono trigger on there someone who has the savestate??? I was after that you have to fight the golem in the city in the sky in the 12000(i dont remeber the name) and you are then captured by the queen and so you...
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    Ripdown Snes Roms

    There is a way to rip music from snes roms to fit in the 4 mb size limit of the opensnes 0.2