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  1. D


    ...i sent you a pm...please let me know...and give me the price in euro included the shipment costs....and as i said in the pm...i need onlly the modded connector chatboard and not the ext to chatb cable any case let me know the whole price.
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    Spray Paint Gp32...!

    hey guys, i just want to colour my gp32....please somebody can tell my what kind of spray colour will i ask to my seller to give to me? i need some colour spray that is permanent... Thanks.... another open the front of the gp32 (ive a flu) i need to desolder the flu swith wires?
  3. D


    thanks anyway! i dont buy from ebay a chatboard only because of the shipping cost for a 1 euro item!
  4. D


    so i repeat....: how much in euro??? ....ive already the ext to chatboard cable made by me...but i broke the chatboard!Let meknow. Im from italy!
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    :blink: :blink:
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    how many in euro??? ....ive already the ext to chatboard cable made by me...but i broke the chatboard!Let meknow. Im from italy!
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    Gp32 Chatboards

    hey steve-o i just want a chatboard....cos ive just broken my homemade one! you still have one? Please pm me!
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    Hey guys ive just broken my homemade doesent work anymore! Is there someone who can sell me a chatboard? ;)
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    Wifi Pack With Msn Messenger

    yeah, thats cool!!!! unlucky me....ive just broken my im looking for another new chatboard! :(
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    ok, thanks!!!....but the black one? Excuse me fro my ignorance!
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    hey....ive done all the links...(ive just bought my first soldering...not bad for my first time!)...but the big red and black wires...where they go? To a 5v battery or charger? Whats the positive and the negative between the 2 wires? Thanks toholl
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    Chatboard...what Type?

    thanks!mine is gray with black keys. I bought it for qa ericsson A....?
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    Chatboard...what Type?

    Hey, ive done 2 ext cable, one with a motorola charger and 1 with the samsung probem is that ive a ericsson chatboard of 6,7 years ago...but how to know what model is? Where is written on?
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    How To Gently Open My Gp32 Flu To...

    thanks to all! It was the battery connectors! now i made the joy fix because i couldn go upleft! Now it goes! But rcx21000 how did you broke your joy>?
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    How To Gently Open My Gp32 Flu To...

    thankx!and if i broke the flu wires?
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    How To Gently Open My Gp32 Flu To...

    Hey, i just tried to open my gp32, i removed the 6 screw...but i cant open it! Is there somethings that force to open?
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    thanks for the photo! i will make one that night!
  18. D

    Chatboards Cable???

    im italian...i cant find it in elec shop?
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    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    yeah sonic...its a two usb port for pc! Right toholl! I would like to know how did you transforme it in a usb hub with 5 V. I already own an asus one of that ho to 5v it? Please make a tut
  20. D

    Usb Working !!!! On Gp32linux :)

    hey toholl, can you make a initrd for no chatboard users and with usb compatibility? Thankx