Before I get flamed for my topic let me explain the siuation. I was using my gp32 and my brother pulled out the card when the gp32 was on by accident. Well, needless to the say the gp32 wont recognize my smc anymore. I have mr.spiv's multifirmware so i tried to recover the smc through the...
Dude, you have no idea how easy everything is. There are so many great tutorials that I doubt you won't be watching movies and listening to mp3's in no time. That being said...HAVE FUN! Just be careful and dont pull the card out when the gp32 is still on. I pulled mine out and have no freakn...
Crap. Hmmm well do you know where i might find a tutorial for this. I hacve some soldering skills so if i eventually get the nards to do it i just might.
Well, I'm going to try and get in contact with the guys at and see what the news is on a home made FLU kit. I also know the guys at are working on one so I'll get in contact with them too. Hopefully we'll hear some good news :D .
Well, having a wormlight would be a quick fix but it is not very practical. You would always having to carry it around and such. Besides you get that white spot on the screen.
And about the PDA screens arn't those back lit. They would suck up battery life like crazy.
Well thats the thing rpgchocobo i already have a gp32. Unfortunatelt it is not an FlU because i did nat have enough money. Ihave hade my gp32 for about 9 months now and i just dont wanna shell out for a FLU thats why im looking into some kind of home made kit but my skills are very limited.
Well I wqas looking at the website and i realied they have a front light for like every hand held except for the gp32. Is it physicalllly impossible or what? Im very confused.
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh crap, my gp32 is suffering. I try to diagnal movements with the joystck and nothing. I tested it on various emulators and on wind-ups and i cant do diagnals. I need help. Any suggestions GREATLY appreciated. you cant copy the games from their specific SMC cards because they were encryptd to work only on that card so even if you did copy them they would be useless. Now when you say DivX player do you mean like a windows Divx player or a GP32 specific one. Cause they only working DivX...
That's exactly the problem though. I didn't order it at or else I would have sent it back, but I bought it at and I know for a fact that they are not gonna help me out. That's why I'm trying Craig. In case you were wondering I sent him an e-mail like 2 weeks ago and i...
Craigx, I have a huge problem! My little brother took my gp32 while I was out skateboarding and dropped it. Natuirally he didn't even tell me he did, but when I realized that the left shoulder button wasn't working I immediately questioned him. He cracked telling me he dropped it on the...
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