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  1. G

    Firmware Upgrade Compatible Cards And Faq

    yeah you are right, because quake is fine. Bah, at least i can upgrade the firmware with my (great) SD
  2. G

    Firmware Upgrade Compatible Cards And Faq

    I received mine today. Well, the only SD i have is a SD branded "captive" (well, it is a no-name ^^ ). The GP2X recognize it, i played some games and then i though, maybe i can try to flash the firmware, and.., it worked !!!. Haha, i cant believe it, i managed to flash my unit with the cheapest...
  3. G

    Status In ??

    My order has been shiped saturday (i have the number 89). I hope i'll get it soon (well, i am allways told that German are efficient... ^^ ). ED, if you test the new firmwares, can you explain if we just need to install the newest or all of them.
  4. G

    Screen Problems

    Ok, it is just that is the first time i heard about it. (well, the search function didn't accept HH..) I love the gp32 boot, it is...quick and it never fail. ..can't wait to have my gp2x
  5. G

    Screen Problems

    Ok, but is it designed to be a future firmare alternative or is it just a test? If it is a firmware replacement, will it reduce the booting time? (if it is a firmware replacement, i guess it will be like the gp32 : no return to a "OS" after the end of a program, the unit will reset, or am i wrong ?)
  6. G

    Screen Problems

    Can we have screenshot of this "hh" test ? and what is it exactly ?
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    Video Encoding

    Does 3ivx work ?
  8. G

    Quake Ii Released

    Well, i should rewrite my meaning, can someone film his gp2x while playing quakeII. (hum, did i speak english, i know my level is low, sorry).
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    First Official Wallpaper

    I think it is because it is a chicken o_O :lol:
  10. G

    Sd Card 1 Go

    I am going to buy a kingston sd 1go. There is no label "high speed" or whaterver but since it is kingston, i think it should work. I am wrong, can i have freezing problems in video ?
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    Quake Ii Released

    Could it be possible to have a ingame video ?
  12. G

    Hexen And Metalslug

    I will try this.....when i have my gp2x. (hurry up EvilDragon ^^ )
  13. G

    Rechargable Batteries For Gp2x

    sorry, it is in french : 9 € inc shiping (infrance...) for 4 2700 mah
  14. G

    Best Batteries??

    The Hama i saw were quite cheap : 4 AA @ 2500 mAh + a charger for 20 euro, instead, like Kmeru said; 22 euros for 4 AA ernergizer @ 2500 mAh. I think i will buy them if mine doesn't last enough time.
  15. G

    Snes Emulator Screenshots!

    Glad to hear it ^^
  16. G

    Snes Emulator Screenshots!

    same prob, but you can see them here :
  17. G

    Best Batteries??

    Does someone have Hama batteries ? I have 2100 mAh energizer batterie, do you think i should buy those 2500 mAh Hama batteries ? (same quality as energizer ?)
  18. G Information Update

    I have ordered a GP2x at shop.gp2x, when do you think i will receive it ?
  19. G

    Rlyeh Has Lost His Suitcase

    Argh, is that possible ?
  20. G

    Games From Int13 Will Be Ported On The Gp2x

    They said the prices will be between 15-20€,but i think this is expensive (for a non boxed games, and i think it wont be boxed...)