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  1. E

    Gp2x Preparations

    Try £23 for 512 hi speed and £41 for 1gb hi speed
  2. E

    Something Beautiful For The Morning

    Its a plot of some mathmatical function that some guy wrote the plotting software for, didn't say any more than that. Nova: :) thanks
  3. E

    Gp2x Preparations

    I'm converting movies to 320x240 does that count?
  4. E

    Rlyeh Has Lost His Suitcase

    Ouch! I'm the guy who does the backups for my company and if that had happened here I'd be out of a job! But then I do backup nearly 10TB a week. Edit: spellig
  5. E

    Supported Emulators

    Could you not have just made a comment that you had updated instead of taking a cheap shot at me? ...moving along
  6. E

    Supported Emulators

    Or yours. You could have updated the wiki instead of criticising me I dont see the point in advertising a website as having a piece of information when it doesn't. Its like saying "go visit this website, cos one day it will have your answer on it" edit: spellig.. ranting
  7. E

    Quake Video

    Yeah I'm sure. Knew I'd seen it somewhere.
  8. E

    Sim City Anyone?

    Think yourself lucky! A group of women feeling 'sexualy empowered' ie at an ann summers party or a hen night is a nightmare for any man in taunting/baiting range.
  9. E

    Supported Emulators

    That doesnt mention arcade emulation .. or any computers .. or any handhelds except gba .. or 90% of all consoles. And it insults anyone wanting to know about current gen emulation Good answer! /sarcasm
  10. E

    Quake Video

    Both CPU's cant be accessing the same memory, of course they can both access memory at the same time just not the same bit.
  11. E

    Quake Video

    No The 2 CPU's can't access the _same_ memory at the same time. If the second cpu was drying the plate and putting it away the first cpu couldn't grab the plate back and rewash it cos it missed a spot. I think...
  12. E

    Something Beautiful For The Morning

    True, my apologies, I dont even think about bandwidth any more, especially since I got upgraded to 10mb. Still I think 3mb is worth the download for that :)
  13. E

    Supported Emulators

    Here we go again! Short answer is: Everything upto and including Amiga/SNES is likely Everything from Amiga/SNES up to PSX/Nintendo64 is maybe (but its a struggle) Everything from PSX/N64 to XBOX 360/PS3 is not going to happen. Arcades... Everything upto System16/M16 is likely Everything...
  14. E

    Something Beautiful For The Morning

    I didn't do anything, I found it on a ramdom livejournal link while i was sat at work at 4 this morning.
  15. E

    How Far Would You Go?

    I'd let craig have my last rolo
  16. E

    Gp2x Colour

    Think of it as streams of consciousness, there is "the topic" staying straight and true with "off topic" wandering back and fourth over the top and "flame war" igniting every time they cross. Looks like a french plait from here .. man i need to stop puffing this stuff ...
  17. E

    Gp2x Colour

    There was a last minute change at the factory, they ran out of black. All the first batch of GP2X's will be hot pink with Hello Kitty decals. :blink:
  18. E

    Anyone Got Theirs Yet??-gp2x

    "Theres ALWAYS time for lube!" Name that film quote lol Ahem... Sorry :blink:
  19. E

    New Movie, Neocd Emul Working

    lol! is this the best review ever written?? :D