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  1. P

    Cnc Case That Should Be Finished Tomorrow

    will the cnc be delivered in a few days?
  2. P

    Release New Video - In Hd!

    everything about Angstrom and Matchbox is easily themeable, correct?
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    Release New Video - In Hd!

    These icons are really nice. They are not complete yet, but have icons for games, folders, and documents.
  4. P

    N64 Anyone?

    Can I get a hell yes!?
  5. P

    Sneak Preview Blog Entry

    If im getting this right, the keyboard keys are a hell of a lot like the psp's d-pad. The psp has plastic over the symbol so that when you look from the side, the keys are clear. Is this correct?
  6. P

    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    Yeah, I like the idea that ZiB would do the fetching over WiFi when it detects the game. Then you wouldn't have to go back and plug it in to your computer, find the games w/out artwork... etc. It would make everything easier, and that's what this project's about, right? :P On another note, I'm...
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    A question- do you think that there could be a program tied to ZIB on a computer that could fetch data (Game Pictures, Correct Names, etc.)? Maybe it could be a plugin to the Pandora Sync Suite? Anyway, that frontend looks GREAT. Good work AimlessE.
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    I like the mockup. I agree that the top bar was wasting space, as it only had one button. I like that you took my suggestion for making the interface gray. I think the menu from the side for selection is good. I like what see, and good work.
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    I agree that the core and other things should be done before we do work w/ eye candy. But it is great that you are working on the final design, Tiptup, and I look forward to seeing your work. I have a question- on your mockup, is the screenshot of Sonic a screenshot, or did you intend for the...
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    Tiptup, I think you could use Myriad Pro or something like it, as it is readily used and available all over the internet, and I think Myriad is free. Maybe you can use this one if you can't use Myriad: []. Those sorting options sound great, and maybe we...
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    I have used linux, but i usually use a mac. i agree that the mockup should be based on Tiptup3000's, and maybe there could be some type of sort function, like the sort by: bar in the corner that could sort by console, manufacturer, and era. And Tiptup3000, may I suggest a charcoal gray for the...
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    That looks really good. Are you coding that for the Pandora? I'm thinking that a frontend is really the way to go.
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    Stuck on the look? not really. i was just trying to put my ideas in a picture, the UI is as skinnable as you want it. As to downloading updates, i think that would be good if you could download it in the background. By the way, i'm just throwing an idea out there, but what if you launch a game...
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    Thanks for the replies. I think pulling down artwork from repositories would be a great idea. However, I am not a coder and I am only presenting this idea to be made by someone else. But thanks a lot, and the repiles were great.
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    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    You bet. I just think it would be useful to have many other emulators, and this is pretty simple and clean. Total Internet High Five! :D
  16. P

    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    in response to squidge, as I said the game runs in the background, which takes screen space, and there would be some type of logo or custom icon, there could be a default icon for series if there is no logo. As for the options (button mapping frameskip) i think those should go within the...