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    Lcd Colour Correction Test Programs

    I have to say I expected a lot more participation than this.. I'm not sure what can be done with the few results we've got.. that's fairly disappointing.
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    Lcd Colour Correction Test Programs

    And here is the actual colour correction daemon, colourd. Simply copy the folder over to the SD card, and launch the script colourd.gpe. It uses the settings (in the file named 'colourd') I posted above (for a F100 MKII screen), calculated by giving a weight of 1 to Red and Blue, 2 to Green...
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    Lcd Colour Correction Test Programs

    This thread is dedicated to compiling the results from GP2X MKII screen colour test program (as a follow up to this year-old thread) I'm hereby releasing. The LCD colour correction test consists in a series of simple tests designed to find the precise colour characteristics of GP2X screens and...
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    Over 1000 Posts

    Holy crap I'm who gives a crapth with only no one cares, you self-absorbed git posts! I need to post more just so that I can increase my post count and beat you guys give myself a pathetic reason for my feeling of self importance.
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    Developer Merchandise?

    Yeah actually, after some consideration, that's not such a bad idea. Make the A_SN t-shirt read "I'm bringin' nazi back" ;)
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    Developer Merchandise?

    But.. but.. an Exophase cap would just go so well with my Orkie shirt and my Star Trek ear-rings! Did I mention someone spraypainted KICK ME on the seat of my pants?
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    Haiku Os

    There is indeed, but the bar for what constitutes an OS usable on a daily basis has been tremendously raised over the last decade, not by the level of quality, but by what your OS must be capable of from the start in order to be adopted.
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    Haiku Os

    That's the problem these days. You can't just be a nice responsive and functional OS, you need an über hardware support, compatibility with so much stuff out there, and so on. Long bygone is the era during which you could reinvent the world and have an OS on a machine that was pretty much...
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    Scale 1:1 "paper-mache" Pandora

    Neat, but I feel compelled to point out that papier maché probably doesn't mean what you think. Maché means chewed, and as such papier maché sculptures look like they've been into someone's mouth. You make them by cutting bits of paper, dipping them into (watered down?) glue and stick that onto...
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    Winblows Xp

    lol. Please tell me this is a joke. This is just so reminiscent of that site (too bad it's in French), that's so clueless and overly stereotypical it can only be a troll. EDIT : Oh wait, and no one has yet pointed out how ignorant the original poster is for not knowing that Skype is available...
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    A Small Idea To Drive Sales Up (after Release).

    You know there's a reason why search engines have been created, so that knowing URLs wouldn't be necessary. So people don't even ever type a URL, they type everything in a search engine or use bookmarks. Yes, there's a mega shitload of people who access to sites they visit everyday by typing it...
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    Actual Mhz And Overclocking?

    Oh, and how would we do that properly?
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    The Official Cpu War Thread !

    From an assembly programming POV (I only know ARM vs x86) I have to go with ARM because it's pretty nice, and x86 hurts my eyes, I mean, shit, it's ugly. And of course ARM > x86 just for power consumption. The only advantage I know the x86 have a monopoly on desktop machines. The EEE would have...
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    Basilisk Ii Files Please?

    Since Mac OS up to 7.5.5 is freely distributed I guess this is not a warez question, so can someone post an entire functioning installation of Basilisk II for the GP2X? I myself failed at running it myself :(, I guess there's something wrong with my disk image, because when I boot no matter...
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    Actual Mhz And Overclocking?

    Tell 95% of GP2X devs ;) Also, didn't someone establish that idle CPU cycles would be essentially free (as in, no significant drain) and that therefore there would be no need to underclock?