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  1. R

    Homebrew Developers?

    You are right. It's (imho) somewhat strange to merge low level C with some high level concepts, For high abstraction programming there are Lisp, Python, Ruby, Prolog, Haskel... Actually Lisp has some compilers too so it doesn't have to be slow. For Python there is the Psyco what can speedup it...
  2. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    With DIP I can use a socket and program a chip in it. With SMD it'd be harder but I can do it. There is the ISP option too but... will have to chose a proper chip first. Then design a PCB around it. Only then any programming will have sense as to get advantage of µC pins flexibility...
  3. R

    Homebrew Developers?

    Hi, I can code in Python, C and Arm assembler. I can write music too. I made one entry for latest GP2x coding compo (and I try to attend the next). I prefer to code low level stuff close to hardware. I was thinking about making a game - a Defender clone. Perhaps something more similiar to...
  4. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    There are SMD versions of µC what I'm using but you would have a different PCB for that. I'd have to design new board or even resort to double sided PCB/metalized vias. For such low scale mod it's not viable cost wise I'm afraid. And the size saving would be around 1/3 for whole unit (because...
  5. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    An update and picture: This is the final version of logic converter. It's based on the µC and I decided to make only such one. It's much smaller than 4067 and has some other advantages. They are already on a way to ED (and someone else) so soon they should be available. The QD dpads should be...
  6. R

    I´m Doing A Voltagemod.

    Or a critical signal propagation inside the chip is too long and it's preventing it running any faster. Overvolting will not help if it's such case. There we have also other components like a memory. It will also limit possible clockrate as it's working synchronously with MMSP2 chipset. It's...
  7. R

    GP2X The Pitiful State Of The Open2x Project ..

    Well... GPH's firmaware got good enough. People realized that changing it will not bring that much of improvement. Most users will stick to the stock firmware anyway. Hardware capabilities (blitter, 2nd core, other coprocs) can be used in GPH's Linux too.
  8. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    I'd too but to mount a dpad like the QD there isn't other way. If someone could find a better four-switch based stick similar in size to the GP2x's stock one then drilling wouldn't be necessary. (I was searching and couldn't get such one)
  9. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    I would say so. Look: So without this "buffer" the QD dpad couldn't move at all. Its conducting rubbers are some kind of columns what are a bit longer than QD rubber springs. Yes. I going to offer every part without need of buying everything. At first I was interested in making a converter...
  10. R

    Closer To The Final Replacement Of Stick

    As you requested: First the mounting of dpad: The polymorph plug: The dpad base from front panel hole: For actual converter: Close fit, isn't it? But you will be getting rather this: I'm still waiting for my latest order of contact PCBs. But I will send some converters to ED (and...
  11. R

    GP2X Word Of Warning About Clobber List With Inline Asm

    I think you can use only r0-r7 safely for the clobber list. Squidge gave me once a link for PDF where it was explained. I have this PDF on my hdd probably - as I hope to get back to coding soon I will have to look at this pdf.
  12. R

    Power Of The Gp2x

    I disagree that DS is better for 2D than GP2x. You can have multiple playfields and tons of sprites using just 920T. With blitter and some hardware tricks (videoproc, postproc) the GP2x is even better. Note also the memory difference - the 64MB in GP2x is huge andvantage. For 3D the DS have...
  13. R

    Replacement Caps Now Available

    That's not the point - why there are letters on it?! It should have circles like in DaveC's one or be just concave. The GP2x name is already just above on the front panel.
  14. R

    Amd Athlon 1400 Running @ 81c

    Touch the CPU's radiator - if you can put your finger on it then it's not the CPU overheating (mayby faulty sensor as sugested?).
  15. R

    New Gp2x Mk2 Review.

    You have a both already - the MK2 has the same as is now. It's just rotated by 45 degress to reverse its diagonal bias to ordinals. So it will be easier to hit ordinals as easy it's to hit diagonals now. That's all.
  16. R

    Gp2x On The Register

    Then we might go further and count switching of every gate inside the chip. How many Hz it would be? ;)
  17. R

    Xgp Xgpmini Spec

    Ahh the 30fps vs 60fps debate. It does make an difference especially that in computer games where you don't have inherit motion blur like in camera captured videos. Then we have a frame aliasing phenomena when the frames redraw is synced to monitor refresh. If you monitor have 90Hz and game is...
  18. R

    Joystick 45 Degree Rotation ?

    The joytest is showing it but some other actual emus have it supported. The Outcast for an example.
  19. R

    Redesigning The Gp2x

    Because at the same silicon process the Arm will be more efficient and will take far less chip space. The current "x86" cpus are hogs and could only dominate the market thanks to superior manufacturing technology. (and "snowball effect" of software support) The Arm is a simple, scalar cpu what...
  20. R

    Redesigning The Gp2x

    I would like to have some free I/O digital pads. Now for the next mod I will have to use some hacks. Thought the MMSP2 is fully capable of being used for some kind of "normal computer" but it wasn't a goal for GPH obviously. Providing all peripherals options would need a more layers for PCB...