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    GP32X Down

    On topic please. No reason to start this forum out on a bad foot.
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    Is there going to be any 'Invisablesheilds' made for this?

    I don't know if Zagg does it, but one of the similar companies allows you to provide custom dimensions for your product. The material is a lot stronger than tape... it's what they use to coat helicopter blades to protect them.
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    Gamepad support?

    Please continue discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=55
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    TV Out.

    Indeed, MWeston stated that they nixed the idea because it was basically just an expensive gimmick (look I can output HDMI from my pandora! Too bad I have no reason to have full HD content on there to begin with). They had to balance features with cost, and as Chip put, too much cost for not a...
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    Re: SDK on the Open Pandora? How 'bout a merge?
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    In the news

    Merged "In the news" and "Public coverage and news"
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    My Only Worry About The Pandora... (Analog Sticks)

    There is a video of the nubs on the official blog. The developers have held the case and assured us it feels comfortable (because many share your concern). As for long-playing sessions, we shall see.
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    Release Mednafen - Game Boy, Neo Geo, GBA, NES, lots more....

    Re: Mednafen - Game Boy, Neo Geo, GBA, NES.... Ugh, don't say that. I cringe to think of all the information we don't have the ability to refer to. If the forums don't come back, hopefully at least we can get the back up of the posts.
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    CLEARLY the emulator everyone should focus on should be.....

    By that logic, Xbox 360, PS3, and the Wii should all easily emulate each other because they are all PowerPC devices. Just because they share an architectural similarity does not mean it can be exploited. Furthermore, in emulation, it's always a question of how many cycles of the host CPU per...
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    CLEARLY the emulator everyone should focus on should be.....

    Easiest ports? The games CANNOT be ported because no one has the source code. No source code, no game port. The emulator can be ported, but we have no guarantee of speed, and the similarity of architectures will not help nearly as much as you're suggesting. Directly from ARM: "ARM is a leader...
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    CLEARLY the emulator everyone should focus on should be.....

    No, same CPU architecture PHILOSOPHY, same GPU LINE, and DIFFERENT sound. The fact that the GPU line is the same doesn't mean as much as you'd think because it doesn't look like coders will be able to directly access the hardware of the SGX core anyway.
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    CLEARLY the emulator everyone should focus on should be.....

    RISC is a type of instruction set (referring to the instruction set architecture: Reduced Instruction Set Computing). ARM is a RISC device, but that doesn't mean it is all similar/compatible with the DC CPU.
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    CLEARLY the emulator everyone should focus on should be.....

    You have the source code for those dreamcast games? If not, you're out of luck. The similar processor is the graphics core, not an ARM core. Dreamcast emulation is not likely at playable speeds by most guesses. DrkIziel (sp?) is working on a nullDC port to PSP, then will put it on the pandora.
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    Tethering Pandora With Blackberry Pearl?

    Tethering is the ability to use your mobile phone's cellular connection via a connection in bluetooth to another device. The pandora has bluetooth and is capable, but your phone needs to support tethering, which you would need to look into. Speed will depend on your network and carrier (3G is...
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    In the news

    Don't forget ArsTechnica: ... d-war.html Also, it has hit Digg front page twice in the last week in addition to front page on slashdot. That's why the servers melted down.
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    A slight change over at

    Thanks. edit, nvm. Link is I thought it was gp2x.wiz
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    A slight change over at

    Link? I don't see the pics, and the url with wiz in the name doesn't seem to be working.
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    Pandora sales

    For those who missed. Update on says orders will be taken until Sunday, and production will match whatever is ordered. Craig also mentions manufacturing starts next week.
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    Can we keep this forum permanently?

    You have to change the end of the url. t=4 for pandora sales, for example.
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    Pandora sales

    Ok, so we know 2k were sold in 6 hours. Have the full 3k gone yet? Obviously, we'll hear more about the upgrade to 4k if possible tomorrow, but it would help people to know if they are all gone but the online form still allows them to order. The pandora has been front-paged on digg twice...