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    Overclocking And Overvolting

    Cooling will lessen the vibrations of your lattice, causing fewer collisions with the electrons. It cannot eliminate those lattice vibrations though, so if your design is not designed to accommodate electromigration concerns, it will fail unless you cool it enough to magically turn it into a...
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    Overclocking And Overvolting

    Seems like no one has explained the technical reason yet. Overclocking and overvolting both can lead to electromigration. Electromigration is where the force of the electrons colliding with the metal line lattice structure over time causes the metal to actually move and will eventually break...
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    PCSX-ReARMed updated

    How do you expect it to get better if users don't provide feedback on their issues and games they'd like to see compatible. Granted his complaint wasn't descriptive enough to be fully constructive, it's still appropriate. As long as it is done in a polite and non-demanding manner, it's part of...
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    Nintendo ds emulator

    He seems rather focused on Yabause at the moment, which most would agree is a good thing I'd imagine.
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    Release Yabause

    Great news! I would definitely send a PM to Ari64, as he seems to be solo on this so far. How did you find this BTW?
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    nds emu for pandora

    Going by his blog, he's a student. Gives these guys a rest. They work tirelessly in their free time to make this stuff happen and ask nothing in return.
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    Half Life Pandora Port

    Imagine if his yabause post had been his first post. People were arguing about N64 up until Ari posted but most thought it was possible to run at least some games (Given daedalus' success on PSP), but if you mentioned yabause, people would basically just start laughing.
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    Pandoras At Landmarks And Famous Places

    And scene of this:
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    Release Temper (Split from other thread)

    Added to Emulator list wiki I've duly noted it is an alpha release and left it uncolored. It's up to those of you who are testing to update compatibility.
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    Beta Nestopia - For Openpandora *beta*

    Added Nestopia to emulator list wiki I colored yellow because I felt it fit this description To be green, it needs to run games well at 500 MHz. It's kind of unfortunate given the high compatibility. Feel free to correct mistakes.
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    Kernel update, DSP, OpenGL

    Given Wayne's release timeframe and the fact that other SoCs announced for that timeframe are A15 based, I'd say it is a safe bet. OMAP 5 will be dual core A15 with SGX 5xx next year, but since batch 2 pandoras will be shipping then, I assumed something after that with a generation 6 SGX core...
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    Kernel update, DSP, OpenGL

    If a pandora 2 was in development, I doubt it would be Kal-el generation chips. With a planned batch 2 of pandora 1, a quad-core Eagle part (A15) with a 6xx generation SGX core would make sense. I doubt the OP team is even thinking about a pandora 2 right now. I think their focus should be...
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    Release Yabause

    Guys, added it to pandora emulator wiki I colored it orange since no emulator that anyone has been released has been bothered to be colored red (I don't particularly agree with the description distinctions either). My first edit so please...
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    True/False: List of Pandora Statements

    DC emulator exists, it just hasn't had a build released yet. Last we saw, 1/4 to 1/2 speed was the max for FMV sequences. Not clear if/when there will be a public release by its author. Saturn exists too. Ari64 of Mupen fame has released it on the Beta boards. Some stuff approaches playability...
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    Sega Dreamcast Emulator

    Thanks for digging that up. I'm looking forward to it just because it means nullDC code exists for ARM7. If/when Vita is jailbroken, porting things like Ari64 and his work over should prove mutually beneficial for both platforms. The Vita will get the attention of a lot of high profile...
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    Sega Dreamcast Emulator

    Did he order a Pandora, or is he expecting a dev unit?
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    Sony Psp2

    I'm actually curious if the psp2 is android based. That menu screen they showed was very gingerbread looking.
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    Sega Saturn

    Actually a good question. I would hope so given the complex saturn architecture. I naively assumed so.
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    Sega Saturn

    If we're lucky a dual or quad core A9 will run on a yabuse port, but not without optimization I imagine.
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    Pandora 2 ETA release

    Yeah, so just assume pandora 2 will be eagle based if it even happens and then we can ask again when eagle launches.