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    Jag Emulator There's the thread with all we know. As for availability at launch, that's up to Firefox.
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    Any News On The Wiz's New Button Layout?

    On the upside, ED said multiple versions, so they aren't just picking one version and blindly going forward. I'm sure ED (and whoever else is helping) will provide good feedback there.
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    Customs/sales Tax/shipping

    Now, if you are a US customer, you will buy from the US distributor, who will charge you USD 330.00 plus shipping. By law, they will only charge you tax if they are based in CA or have physical retail presence there. Technically, however, you should be paying use tax for it.
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    FAIL: I'm trying to be funny

    Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: You tell jokes on his side.
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    Dosbox Ready For Pandora

    Excellent news Pickle! Since you don't have HW, do we have any indication of what DOS games it will be able to handle? I was specifically hoping to be able to tackle the first two elder scrolls games, but figured the second may be too heavy. Again, great news :D
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    Spare Parts

    The good part is that since its a clamshell, it should be almost impossible for the screen itself to hit the ground. Since they are prepared to make warranty repairs as soon as they launch, that means they'll have the parts. Hopefully it also means they will re-sell them, but we will see.
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    Repository Or Manual Downloads?

    I know the site can't be repeated, but what type of site was it? I know ROM sites are off limits, but that didn't seem to fit the context of his post.
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    Anyone Else Planning On Making A Nintendo 64 Emulator?

    We just discussed that and it was locked: Basically, someone will pick it up or possibly Zod will get around to it. We'll see.
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    A Couple Of Questions About Gba Emu

    Explain for the uneducated?
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    What About Saturn Emulation?

    I think the more general idea should be to turn them onto the idea of an ARM port. Unfortunately, it would be difficult convincing them there's an ARM core out there worth the port. Hopefully the Cortex A9 could change that for the future.
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    Pandora Questions And Answers

    Squidge, I know that Super Mario RPG does not work on the gp2x. Does it work on your ported version to pandy? Is compatibility in general raised? (I know it was already very high).
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    Buying Decisions: Iphone Vs Pandora

    I've been pondering the same choice, along with another device thrown in (PSP 3000), so I'll explain my opinions and biases, even though you've already given a decision. First of all, I am tight with my money. I owned a first gen iphone, and am considering a 3G iPhone, I am also considering a...
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    What About Saturn Emulation?

    It's been discussed many times, and may offer a glimmer of hope. As far as I can tell, the source is freely available on their site, so that could be the basis for a port I suppose. However, since the hardware is so esoteric, no one has put much faith in an emulator running well on...
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    The Big Tech Deals Thread.

    What did we tell you mods? :lol:
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    Any Boot Animation Details?

    The point was that the animation will prolong that boot time. For the fastest boot time, you don't show any animation.
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    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    That's not fair either. Lately, he's only been doing that when someone attacked him first. Compared to the previous things he got in trouble for, he's only responding to people criticizing him. In that case, both people need reprimanded and neither is booted unless there are some serious...
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    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    The quintessential difference is who the creators are. The pandora team is new at this, in that they are releasing their own device for the first time. They had no ability to anticipate some of the delays they've been given, and they don't have the clout or money to strong-arm their suppliers...